I have not done a Friday Fragments post in a while, but I wanted to update everyone on my busy but fun week!
This week I was able to register my very own NH DBA, Logical Business Solutions. I will be offering virtual assistant services, unique marketing using blogging for all businesses, and soon transcription services.
Not only am I excited to now have my own registered DBA, but I am even more excited that Dwan Perrin aka MommaDJane has accepted my offer to be a consultant at LBS where she will be working hand in hand with me in all areas of business.
This week my almost 6 month old, Baby K, had his first tooth poke through. Need I remind my readers I am a breastfeeding mama, and never nursed my two older children past the teeth stage. I don’t know if I will become a human teething ring or what, but I am dead set against formula for Baby K unless extreme circumstances arise that requires me to stop nursing.
Baby K also said “DaDa” for the FIRST time this week, and I have been so nicely pretending that he is not saying DaDa but just doing baby babble because of course I wanted him to say “Mama” first. LOL
AJ, my crazy two, is doing well, his speech has come a long way this week, and he has learned Please, Thank You, Welcome and ……… LUV YOU!!
My negotiating princess has found out she will need to have her tonsils removed, no appt set yet. I am nervous but she needs to have them removed due to sleep apnea type problems from enlarged tonsils.
I won a FLIP from newbaby.com {this was last week on Feb 1st} and hope to have it today, I will be certainly vlogging a lot more once I have it in my hand. I hope I get it today as I have a lot of great events going on this weekend I wish to vlog about!
I currently have a giveaway going on that ends on 2/16/09 for a Spa Time Baby Cozy Care Cape.
I have a giveaway ending today for a custom fabric snuggler with matching burpies from Ahmelie.
I also have a blog tour going on that ends today for Principess Jewelry Designs so please check it out to see all her wonderful hand made jewelry.
That is all for this weeks Friday Fragments, my weekly wrap up!
Have a fantastic weekend and remember to visit on Valentines Day, Saturday as I will be hosting a SPECIAL SURPRISE GIVEAWAY!!!
You sure have a lot of irons in the fire! How do you do it all?! Good luck with the nursing; it’s so rewarding 🙂
Sounds like your kiddos are keeping you busy. Good luck with nursing Baby K. I nursed my little guy until he was 18 months. I swore I would stop nursing him once he got teeth, but we made it through. 🙂
New Blog Post: Friday Fragments – My Weekly Wrap Up http://bit.ly/3gJzO7