Richard and Dianne met in Yahoo Chats, about 14 years ago before online dating was the “in thing”. After being divorced a little over a year Dianne hopped on her new at home computer and logged into Yahoo Chat Groups. Dianne came across Richard, after chatting and emailing for a couple of months they decided to exchange pictures. Their first date followed a couple of months later.
Dianne chose a place to meet and even gave her family & friends Richard’s phone number, picture and email should anything happen to her when she went to meet this man from the Internet. The meeting went well and no family nor friends had to report Dianne missing, Richard and Dianne married 18 months later and well are going on nearly 13 years together now!
Yahoo Chat Groups seemed to help Dianne spread her wings a bit, so to speak, Richard is a bit of a techie type person which means Dianne would have never met him in real life. The Internet opened a door to allow Dianne to get to know a different kind of person than she would have met locally on an average day. The Internet allowed Dianne and Richard to communicate, get to know each other, then exchange pictures and meet so that they are now the happiest couple celebrating many years together and looking forward to many more.
When asked, Dianne reports that Richards is very romantic and here are a couple of examples she shared with me:
On my 36th birthday when we were still dating I arrived to his house to a huge present. As I opened it, it revealed 36 individually wrapped presents – one for each year. Some were treasures, some comical, just little things that were important to either me or the both of us.
On my 50th birthday, Richard took me on a surprise trip to Southern California. Each day of the trip had a different reveal. We started in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Then he surprised me by taking me to my favorite Broadway show – “Les Miserables” in downtown LA. He has taken me to see if numerous times and this one with our seats on the 7th row was so special. All the Angelenos could not believe we were there from Oklahoma just to see “Les Mis!” Then we ended up at the over the top Fairmont Hotel right on Santa Monica beach to enjoy a couple of days in the California sunshine. I absolutely love the beach and this was an amazing treat!
Dianne and Richard blended their family together nearly thirteen years ago and they have what I would consider real love for each other. A marriage based on a deep connection of two people who truly care, love and cherish each other.
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Their story is very sweet! My daughter met her husband online too!
RT @brandyellen: And They met in Yahoo Chat