It may be only March, but summer is fast approaching! Time to put away the sweaters, jackets and scarves as winter will return later in the year and then you can again enjoy some bright sunshine! The summer means warm temperature and we need air-conditioner most of the time that might not be serviced, probably since last winter. So, why not get a head start on prepping for the summer by scheduling your air-conditioning tune ups with reliable specialists?
Why Does Your A/C Need A Tune Up?
Running your air-conditioner after a while can influence its performance. If dust has gathered over the condenser coil, it will decrease heat transfer, thus the unit would consume more energy. Not only that, dust can also have a detrimental effect on your A/C’s motors and can cause harm to the electric cables. A blocked air filter may not allow cool air to flow through either and will simply jack up your utility bill. Working with reliable specialists will ensure that your air-conditioner is running smoothly and that it is being maintained properly.
Traditionally, a home A/C tune up involves a series of steps such as evaluation for any leaks, assessment of coolant levels, regulation of the thermostat, and cleaning of the condenser coil.
AC’s Inspection
In the first step,a technician visits your home,scrutinize your AC and try to identify any current or possible issues. He checks safety features, assesses the air/oil filters and examines the general air flow. He also regulates the thermostat, studies all the electrical networks and appraises the blower parts as well.
Energy Saver, the U.S’s Department of Energy consumer arm, also states that your technician should review the seal between the A/C and the window frame to check whether it touches the metal case unit. The cool air escapes easily if moisture exists.
Clean Internal Constituents
The second step is to clean various components to remove any unwanted fragments and debris. A reliable specialist will clean the air filters, the condensate drain, the blower parts, and the condenser coil. If any component’s location is changed, it needs to be adjusted. This can include tightening electrical connections and greasing mobile parts. Perhaps, a fan belt would need adjust mentor a wire has become loose.
Cooling Levels Check
Reviewing the refrigerant level is a critical part of the A/C tune up as well. An expert ensures that the refrigerant volume is at an accurate pressure so to create an effective cooling ambiance within your abode. Checking the volts and amps confirms that the A/C’s electric voltage is functional.
Assess the A/C’s Performance
In the final stage, your air-conditioning unit’s performance is examined. The technician observes the cooling cycle and ascertainsifit meets your standards of comfort.
Recruit Reliable Specialists for A/C Tune Up
Always hire renowned AC specialists who guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. Their expertise ensures that you receive a high level of service.In return, you may choose to remain loyal to them as a client and contact them again the next time you need to get your A/C tuned up.
Getting your air-conditioner serviced and tuned up once a year improve its life and make it more durable. Not only that, it becomes energy efficient and would not face any issues during summer. With a reliable A/C, you enjoy the summer in peace and remain healthy as well!
Image by wan mohd