Setting Their Sights on Sixth Grade: Preparing Yourself and Your Child for Middle School

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

22 thoughts on “Setting Their Sights on Sixth Grade: Preparing Yourself and Your Child for Middle School”

  1. Great tips. Middle school is when the school waters start to get murky with things like more classes and the pressure to be popular.

  2. I am laughing to myself,. We thought we were totally prepared for middle school, it was across the street from elementary school, and he was moving up with 20 friends. But, we did not know he would have different thoughts in his head. We got through a the first few rough months and now he is in 8th grade and King of the school. Having kids is a roller coaster ride!

  3. Middle school is such a big adjustment for kids. It’s so important to talk everything over and be prepared!

  4. These are all great tips. I had one just enter sixth grade this year and this list would have been a godsend for me. I was a wreck, but of course she’s doing awesome and then some, while showing me all my worrying was in vain.

  5. I like the idea of becoming familiar with the school beforehand. Bullying is a concern as they move to higher grades. Keeping a positive mindset and explaining how to with our kids will help tremendously. Middle school is coming up next year so we need the advice.

  6. Middle school can definitely be a difficult transition. My oldest was able to easily juggle multiple classes, but I know that will be a struggle for her younger sister when she enters the big leagues next year.

  7. The anxiety is real when it comes to transitioning into middle school. These are great tips to help make the shift a little easier.

  8. My friend’s husband says all the time that middle school was the worst. Kids need a lot of support through middle school!

  9. I don’t know about everyone else, but 6th and 8th grade were okay. It was 7th that was awful! These are great survival strategies to share.

  10. My nephew is in middle school and it is definitely drastically different. My nephew even has a few AP classes, but I am a little worried about him. He is starting to say he isnt given homework so hopefully his grades doesnt go down because the work is speeding up.

  11. These are very helpful tips! It was never easy to prepare kids for middle school. That is why I love reading helpful tips. Glad I’ve found this!

  12. My kids school is a called a middle school, its JK-8 so they don’t really have to do much to prepare but my one daughter will be heading to 6th next year and she will for sure need these tips as we will be moving and the next school she goes to will be 6-8 and her sister who will be in gr 5 wont be there with her!

  13. These are great tips for middle schoolers. My oldest just started middle school this year. It’s been an adjustment.

  14. I remember when my kids transitioned into middle school. These are great tips to get your child prepared.

  15. Great tips! This is such a tough transition for kids to make. I know my kids struggled when they moved to Middle School.

  16. These are great tips. I remember 6th grade being scary at first but it was a good time. I will remember these tips when my kids head into middle school.

  17. Oh, this is very interesting. Middle school, 6th grade is not that easy. As parents, we should really prepare our kids.

  18. Great tips for Mom and Dad! Middle school can be scary if parents don’t have a good preparation for their kids. Everything will be so new to our children and we need to know what the right thing to do if some thing happens to them!

  19. Great tips. Middle school is an important transition for our kids and we should prepare carefully to help them do well. Thank you for sharing.

  20. I remind my kids including my nieces whenever they start their school years even some time during school time. What I want to stress to them is bullying. However, thanks for all your share.

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