Junk Food Marketing and Your Children: Teaching Smart Food Choices in the Face of Non-Stop Temptation

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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

18 thoughts on “Junk Food Marketing and Your Children: Teaching Smart Food Choices in the Face of Non-Stop Temptation”

  1. Oy the junk food marketing kills me. I am so thankful that my kids would rather have a pear over a bag of chips any day 🙂

  2. We are always on the lookout for healthy food. We do each and food we usually try to keep it at a minimum. Still need to learn more about nutrition and what is in my food, and I’m hoping as I learn I can teach my child good eating habits too.

  3. It’s not always easy to make the healthy choices for food whether as an adult and a kid. I do succumb to eating junk foods from time to time. I try to balance it out with nutritious foods, though. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. Junk food marketing is so pervasive. Especially since I live in a town where some is manufactured. They sponsor everything.

  5. My theory on this is simply to just not buy it. My girls were offered a Twinkie at school for the first time (they were 8 and 10) and they just knew not to take it. I was super proud of them.

  6. It’s important to instill positive lifestyle habits in young children. I always try to encourage them to eat fruits & veggies and to get plenty of exercise. Junk food is always a temptation in our society.

  7. I’ll admit it, I used to be a HUGE junk food consumer but thankfully a few year ago I changed my ways. It’s so important to have a heathy diet.

  8. Such a great post! I think it’s so important to start healthy eating from a super young age. I try super hard to eat healthy – it gets easier the more you do it for sure!

  9. yeah i am so bad at the junk food thing but i have been trying really hard lately to get it under control. and i have to say it is so not easy.

  10. I’ve always thought tv was the number one marketing source for junk food. I admit to having some favorites, but it’s definitely gotten out of control over the last 30 years or so.

  11. We’ve stopped stocking snack foods that aren’t healthy in our pantry. That helped out a lot! We constantly purchase fresh fruit and veggies so when the boys are hungry those are the only options we have!

  12. It is never too early to teach your child healthy eating habits. My youngest daughter had a stomach issue when she was younger, so we were really diligent on educating her to the best diet choice. She is now a teenager and finds it quite easy to avoid junk food.

  13. I’m trying to teach my kids from a young age to make heathier choices because it’s sad that unhealthy choices and junk food is around everywhere.

  14. This is awesome information about the marketing of junk food and the temptations we all face with junk food. The industries are only interested in the money they can make from advertising and don’t care about the outcome that comes from junk foods. I do believe it is important for parents to start healthy eating when the children are at a very young age.

  15. I think kids learn by example so if they see people around them eating healthy then they will want to also.

  16. My kids only know what they live. They love their chips and fruit snacks like the rest but they are well balanced eaters. They love yogurt and have it daily, they also love fruit and veggies.

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