Goals. Happiness. Empathy.

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Written By

NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

10 thoughts on “Goals. Happiness. Empathy.”

  1. I love your tip about family goals, it’s important to think of working towards something together and not for ourselves. Love your insight.

  2. These are great things to keep in mind each day. I’m definitely less happy when I lose track of my goals.

  3. Having goals like this is so important for an overall sense of well-being. I like the 3 you have outlined for your family.

  4. I was just talking about this with my bff this week… You attract what you put out there. Things may not always be great, but I still try to be positive and happy because I want to attract that to me. I choose happiness over doom and gloom (not to say that is always easy to do, though). I am only human, but the majority of the time, I choose to be happy/positive. 🙂 Great post, Brandy!

  5. I encourage goal-setting all the time. It is so important and really helps to keep focused in any area of interest.

  6. I think women forget to be selfish sometimes because of our nurturing qualities. Especially moms – yes take care of kids but hey you still have to live and having goals to achieve your happiness so you can continue to have sincere empathy will be the best way to be a superior woman!

  7. They say if you find work you love, you don’t really work a day of your life. I’m glad you’re happy working again from home. 🙂

  8. I think it’s easy to feel like you are playing whack a mole or spinning in a circle when working at home. These tips are a great reminder of how to stay on course and evaluate success.

  9. Thank you for sharing this, I really needed to read this. My family has goals and we stick to them, but when I set a goal I tend to put it aside but I need to start following through.

  10. Yes, life is a constant evolution. I’m always looking for ways to do better and make improvements. Take it one day at a time.

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