The week was nearing an end, it was nearing that 3 o’clock quitting time on Friday when I was having fun chatting with a coworker, waiting for the last of the field associates to show up for their paychecks. When 3 o’clock arrived I was ready for my 3-day weekend with kids, it was time, finally to go take the admin hat off and put the Mama hat on, but first … something else happened.
I was walking down the path to my van, as I always do, smiling away, ready to get in that van and get picking up the kids. My normal rushing around after work to pick up the children, when I noticed a vehicle was parked sort of sideways beside my van. I recall thinking, “wait, what? Why is someone parked like that, am I all blocked in?” Then as I walked more, and got closer .. it dawned on me that a certain someone has that same vehicle, no way could he be there, at my work? Sure he knew what the name of the place is that I work at, but I am not sure I ever really told him “where” in town it was.
I walk closer, smiling more as I walk upon the car, sort of jaw dropped that he drove an hour to stop by only for a quick moment, because well I am on Mama duty so that means strictly myself and my kiddos weekend. Then I saw him, it was him. What? A smile quickly formed across my face, what a sweet moment. To top it of, he gets out of his car with flowers and a card. Seriously, what a sweet way to win me over. Romantic, sweet little gestures? If he keeps this up, I may just keep him. In all reality, we can only live for each day and each moment, I am not trying to get ahead of myself, but I will say that in this moment – I felt so completely cared about!
I received the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, a card and a big hug! That was the perfect way to end my long week at work and being Mama … for him I am eternally thankful for those little moments that just make me feel special! To have someone, as a friend or more, doesn’t matter the definition, just someone who cares about you and wants to make you smile in any way they can? Makes me happy and makes me realize that others do see the sunshine I try to put out there to uplift others, I will be honest, it is very nice to have someone who wants to occasionally uplift me, and to drive an hour to do it, just to turn around and go back an hour home? Priceless.
Getting a surprise visit accompanied with flowers is a great way to end the day and you are fortunate to have someone in your life that does things like that. Cherish all the little things because they can turn into great big things.
Us guys would like this too! Just a token to show we are being thought of!
Wow, how sweet! I agree that this is a great way to end the week!
Hugs and flowers are always special especially when they’re unexpected.
Ah what a great surprise! Those are beautiful flowers, that would totally make my whole week if someone did that!