I am not sure what month people stop swimming, but it is September now in New Hampshire and the kids are still wanting to go swimming in this pond that is somewhat local to us. I actually believe it is now called a river, but we’ve called it Otter Pond for so long that it just sort of stuck.
On a hot day, or even medium-hot day, the kids will ask about going swimming. They all agree that is what they want to do, so I decided we are going. I feel that encouraging a love of being outside is important, the ability to shut down all electronics and just hop in the car to get to a swimming spot without complaint is a fantastic event. My middle child loves his YouTube, but even he is able to shutdown completely and happily swim with his siblings.
All three kids have their own set of goggles, I bought goggles a couple years back when I realized that my sons, who don’t really know how to swim, had discovered going under water. One son is super cautious and will carefully go under water, as he is the super cautious child. The other son has zero fear and will take on anything, this also means he has zero fear of getting water up his nose or in his mouth, he has been known to put his head under water while still talking and jump up coughing – only to do it again! The goggles help keep me a little at ease while the children enjoy this swimming spot.
What I love most about taking the kids swimming is that they all get along so well when in the water, my middle can be found hitching a ride on his sister’s back while pretending that she is a hippo giving fun rides. My youngest can be found just grabbing mud from the bottom of Otter Pond and giving himself a mud bath. The oldest child is the best swimmer out of all three and is a complete water log, she can be found swimming out pretty deep just to swim back.
Sitting on my outdoor chair, watching the trio getting along, enjoying the swimming time warms my heart! I love nature and my kids do too; a great interest to have instilled upon our children of the world, because they won’t become electronic drones, nor be bored. When you instill a love of nature within your children, the world is their playground!