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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

11 thoughts on “1,2,3,4 I Declare a Bedtime War”

  1. What a fun bedtime routine! I have an only child and he has always been a strange one… I’ve never had to fight with him to go to bed. I know, crazy! It’s true, at least 90% of the time over the last 12 years, he is ready to go to bed when it’s time to go to bed. My s-i-l has 3 boys and she has a time getting them to go to bed though, so I’ll share this with her, I know my nephews would love a bedtime war. 🙂

  2. I agree a routine I think is so important for kids to have while growing up. I think it gives them a sense of security – knowing what is expected.

  3. I have been really lucky. My girls put themselves to bed each night by themselves and they range from ages 4-10. Of course the main routine is cleaning up and then going to the bathroom.

  4. We do have a bedtime routine. Baths, bedtime stories and then kids go to bed at different times because we have some kiddos sharing. If they all go at once there’s no peace!

  5. Getting kids to go to bed at a certain time can be very hard. I have heard from many mothers that a routine always helps.

  6. I divide and conquer…there is NO way to set a time for both to go because they keep each other up, so I put one to sleep first at 7:30 and then the other at 8:30.

  7. I am very thankful that kiddo was super easy on the bedtime ritual. We rarely had a problem and that was usually because she was just too wound up. We learned early on to have ‘calm down time’ hours before bedtime. No food or water after a certain time, which greatly helped. Generally once her head hit the pillow, she was out.

  8. I wish we could conquer this, my husband has to sit in the room with them until they are asleep each night still.

  9. We used to be so good at our routines and now we have gotten off track and it’s crazy at night, I have to do something!!

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