I am an open book and sadly, being an open book means that I share honest information with people who may not be able to relate to what I am going through, therefore cannot comprehend why I deal with what I deal with. To be honest, I am a pretty strong woman and I am a positive person, but I also am a realistic down to Earth “planner”. This means, when the going gets tough, I can’t just toss my hands up in the air and walk away. I have to fight and stay strong; I have to analyze what the best solution is and how to reach that solution. I am smart about things.
This does not mean things don’t get to me or I don’t have a wound up sort of day, because I do and I am entitled to have a venting sort of day, my thing is I need to learn when and to who it is appropriate to vent to.
I believe we all learn from our mistakes but I also believe sometimes we think the best of people and can get caught up in the same scenario, only with different environment due to our faults in thinking positive and seeing the best within a person. I am here to say the obvious; you cannot bring out that inner strength in a person who refuses to let that be a part of their world. You can have high hopes, but, like I have told my daughter many a times, sometimes hope is okay to hang onto but learn when to let go. Hope can get us through tough situations and onto higher ground, but do not hang onto hope as a mechanism to live life forever.
We need to be realistically full of hope and realistic in our approach to solving situations or issues. One cannot live a fairy tale life, but one can determine if this non-fairy tale life is worth being a part of any longer. When it comes down to someone who has different morals, priorities and personality in a way that starts to break you both emotionally and financially; it is time to let go of that hope and work towards a solution.
Life can be so difficult, because we want to make the right decisions and we also want to hurt as few people as possible in the process, sadly sometimes … just sometimes, there is no saving everyone’s feelings, there is simply the requirement to determine the end result you wish for and making it happen through hard work, dedication and a positive attitude.