A little while back I decided to start looking at jobs; I wanted to see what was out there in the form of an office position that would work well for me. You see, I haven’t worked outside of the home since 2006; back then I was an Administrative Assistant in a small office with amazing bosses, who had become like family to me. With the need to have something steady for income, you know like a weekly paycheck, I ventured onto various job listing sites when I finally happened upon the perfect position at a local office with hours that would mesh well with my Mom Duty schedule. It didn’t take me long to create a cover letter with my resume attached and email my application to this company.
What took long, was deciding if I was really ready to take on office work; was I truly ready to leave the nest and start to find me again? Am I really ready to put a job plus my kids a priority in my life? I have worked for myself for nearly 8 years, was it time to rebuild my resume and get out there in the real world again? All of those questions got answered when I found myself sick for two weeks {and had time to think} – yes I was ready for it all. I could juggle working outside of home plus raising my kids, after all the hours don’t conflict with their school schedule, so why not?!
I went through the hiring process – taking tests, filling out paperwork and of course the first step of partaking in an interview with my future boss. The office is small, it is friendly and my boss understands that I am a Mom. While I have fully explained to my boss that my job is a high priority to me, my children are also a high priority and he has assured me he is flexible, understanding and reasonable at meeting my Mom Duty needs as they come up. I have assured him that I am also reasonable, understanding and flexible in ensuring both my job and children can mesh well in my life.
All of the testing was passed, the paperwork and background check came back fine and so I was offered the position; Receptionist/Administrative Assistant – PT hourly employee starting in the New Year 2015. I accepted the offer and am feeling excited as well as nervous about my new future of being an office gal again. My children are excited for me and have hugged me a huge congrats! This job means we will have a more steady income in the home, while I also continue to supplement my part time income with my blogging income.
I felt it was time for me to get piece of who I am back by working outside of the home now that my children are in school full time. I have enjoyed being a Mama, raising my children and bonding with them in a close knit fashion, but now it is time for me to get back out there and be one with the other adults in this world, because I need that environment as part of my life to thrive as an individual. Do not fear, I shall still be on here blogging, but it may be less in frequency is all. I plan to have blog posts maybe 2-3 times a week and will still interact in social media after the children are asleep.
I am ready! I got this!
I am so excited for you. I bet you make some amazing new friends and truly enjoy working outside of the home again.
Congratulations on your new gig!
Congrats! I am sure you will be happy and do great! I also work in a small office with a great boss!
How exciting! I love when employers area able to work with parents to ensure that they are able to meet their home needs too! Good luck!
That’s very ambitious of you, to work outside the home, manage a blog, and run a family, I am sure you will nail all 3. It’s great that you put so much time and thought into the move, I am sure you are well prepared for the transition.
YAY! Congratulations!! I am so excited for you! I know that you love blogging and hope that you can still blog while working part time. I think the only thing that I miss about an office job is socializing with my coworkers. I hope that you end up with cool ones!
good luck with the new position. I haven’t been able to work outside in a little over the year. in the meantime i have loved blogging.
Best of luck to you. Enjoy the outside world!
Congrats to you on your new job! Best of luck as well.
Have fun! Some days, I think maybe I should remove myself from the computer for a while.
Congrats on the job!! I hope the transition goes smooth for you and the kids!!! That would be quite the change
Congratulations! Sounds like it’ll be a wonderful transition, and your boss sounds great!
I’m about there too…ready to work outside of the home again. Congrats to you!! I’m happy to hear your good news!! We’ve been on vacay too, so I hope you had a Merry Christmas and that you have a wonderful new year!