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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

44 thoughts on “Tween More Mature Than Own Mother”

  1. I am alright with my tween little girl being develop and survey the world. Her tween peers, her family and companions and also school, through the eyes of a progressed tyke. I cherish that she finds herself able to keep an open personality..and stay constructive in life when things simply appear to go no place.

  2. I did a lock review once and the words on the lock spelled out something that made me laugh…I can’t even remember what it was now. NO one in my house was amused but me, but whatevs. I’m okay w/a lack of maturity once in awhile too. 😉

  3. Daughters and mothers have a bond that can not be broken for anything. I have a grown daughter and she just had twins a girl and a boy. I also take care of my own mother who suffers from Alzheimer’s. My daughter is my best friend even though she has always known that I am mom first and won’t put up with certain things. We have the best relationship and I am excited to see her’s grow with her own daughter!

  4. LOL, I probably would have seen the same thing you did, but that’s partly because I have two little boys and I am exposed to potty stuff way too much.

  5. Well it is great that your daughter can let down and relax with you once in awhile! I actually feel similar to her perhaps- my husband always comments how I don’t laugh that much at movies/TV!

  6. Your daughter missed the boat on that one. Fart jokes in any permutation are ALWAYS hilarious. I would have seen TOOT immediately as well.

  7. That is too funny! My tween daughter has really started showing maturity here lately and I am so not ready for that! She is our last child at home and I want to wrap her up and keep her here!

  8. My kids are all still young enough to see the IMMENSE humor in finding the word “toot” on something. I hope they never loose that sense of potty humor. 😉

  9. It’s great that your daughter has a sense of maturity at such a young age, she’ll have a good head on her shoulders. Your relationship with her sounds so lovely.

  10. Haha. Love that you can laugh at something so small and don’t worry she will come around. I think all teens tend to think or act like that.

  11. I was mature from a young age and I was happy about it. I made some good decisions because of my maturity.

  12. Toot… I would of laughed!!! But it’s great she does her best. Sounds like she is an awesome daughter and you two have a great relationship!

  13. Aw she’s so cute! My kids and I are big goof balls and laugh at everything. I even giggled at the word TOOT when I read this post lol! The tween age is such a crazy cool experience! My daughter was going through that phase too where she was worked up over little mistakes. I like taking my kids to the park once a week but before we play, we have a personal growth pow wow and talk about things and goals we want to achieve, and compliment ourselves 10x each. I know it may sound crazy, but it’s awesome! Kinda reminds them to stay centered and not to sweat the small stuff! Then we laugh at Toots lol!

  14. Aww nothing is better than a mother/daughter bond. I have a little boy and he is in his toddler years. Hopefully we can have the mother/son playful bond.

  15. So cute! My step son is very much similar. He is becoming more intelligent and more mature. I am always trying to be silly and get him to let go a bit.

  16. You’re such a goofball finding that word, and I love that you went to get your daughter to see what she could see. It’s nice she lets go and gets playful sometimes too.

  17. I always think it’s so sad when people don’t recognize the comedic value of flatulence. Toot… I LOL’d and I’m just reading about it.

  18. Nice to know that about your daughter. I have a tween son too and I would like to believe that he is actually more mature than I am too. 🙂

  19. Even though she won’t show it, she actually appreciates that you try to loop her into your crazy silly humor. Keep it up. Someday she will say something or become JUST LIKE you.

  20. My kids are 19 and 21. It was hard when they were teenagers and thought they knew everything. Now they are more mature and it is great watching them grow into adults.

  21. Oh come on now that is funny that it said TOOT on the comforter, no matter how old you are! I think potty humor can go a little overboard sometimes but it is funny at times too.

  22. It’s the little things that matter! Laughter is great to have! Lovely that you and your daughter have such a wonderful bond!

  23. sounds like you have such a sweet relationship with your daughter. 🙂 i hope when we have kids i will be as close.

  24. I din’t have tweens but two children bo and girl, if god given me tweens, i should be happy and accept that blessings.

  25. What a great post indeed. I love the relationship you have with your tween. It is like a bit sweet moment when you realize your child is growing up. As a mom you want them to stay your lil baby but you know you need to let them grow. A child no matter what age will always need their mother but just in different ways. Thanks for sharing.

  26. I hope my daughter and I also have that relationship even if she grows up in her tween and teen years.

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