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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

36 thoughts on “Shh…I’m Letting You In On A Light Bladder Leakage Tip! #sp”

  1. I don’t have leakage issues, but there is a whole group of moms in my zumba class who do & there is always a collective sigh when a song with jumps comes on!

  2. This is a common problem for many women who have had children! I am glad there is a discreet product to help out.

  3. These liners would be great for expecting moms when the snail trail comes around! LOL. It’s a different kind of LBL!

  4. Yep, been there. Right after both my kids were born I had some “incidents.” Liners like this always were my protection from embarrassing moments.

  5. I have dealt with this when I was pregnant and / if I get bladder infections. BTW I love love the Poise commercials.

  6. I signed up for a free sample. I have PCOS and often a cyst will rupture and I leak. Regular liners bunch and bug me. Pads are too much. These might be a better option. Thanks.

  7. I like the discrete carrying pouch. No awkwardness if someone sees it in your purse.

  8. I didn’t realize that there were products specifically made for LBL. This is excellent. Kudos to Poise!

  9. LBL happens to us all, if it hasn’t happened yet, it will. I carry these around with me. Like that you can get a free sample.

  10. Hate to admit it, but I’m dealing with it when I workout now. Having two children will do that to you, I guess!

  11. Looks like this leaks issue is more dominant than I thought. I am fortunate to not have this issue, but I am glad that Poise seems to be a great solution for those who do

  12. Luckily, I don’t have LBL problems. It’s great that there’s products like these out for people who do, though!

  13. LBL is more common than most woman realize! I think it happens to many woman, all ages. I love the Poise Microliners.because they are so thin and you really don’t even notice them!

  14. It’s so great that there is a product specifically designed to help with this. 45% is a lot of sufferers!

  15. I am happy that Poise is helping with LBL. Happy to have options instead of ignoring the issue.

  16. I’m glad that Poise is around for all those who suffer from LBL. We all need the help we can get especially when we get older.

  17. It’s great that a company recognizes this issue and is making a product to help women out! Takes the stress and worry out of the equation for you.

  18. It sounds like a great product for keeping confidence. I appreciate that they are offering a free sample as well.

  19. It’s awesome that they’ve made them so thin and discreet for carrying. I think these would be great those last few days of baby carrying too. 🙂

  20. I don’t have leakage issues anymore but I could have used these when I was pregnant with the twins and couldn’t sneeze or laugh!

  21. I do love how thin these are. I would feel much more confident wearing my yoga pants when I work out at the gym when I have a Poise on!

  22. I love the idea of these – I always need the pads when I’ve got a terrible cold – but I hate wearing those giant ones!

  23. I love that they are so tiny! You could take one along with out having the bring the whole “girlie” bag.

  24. these are great for when we need it most everyone’s going to need them at some point ya know. have them onhand just in case.

  25. There’s nothing wrong with having a little leak protection. This is great. a lot of women can feel confident throughout the day because of Poise..

  26. I have leakage issues. After Zoe was born that is when it happened. I was jumping on the trampoline and boom, wetness. How embarrassing. I really like how thin these liners are and that they work!

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