We recently were able to have a Mother Daughter day during February vacation. This was a planned event because my ex husband contacted me stating he had vacation time to use, he wanted to use it to take our sons an extra overnight during the vacation. I was so happy, because I only get a break from my sons for two days every other week during the school year, during Summers they see their Dad twice a week for a few days alongside their every other weekend visits. School years are long, and it’s sad the boys can’t see their Dad as much so I am always game to say YES when he asks. If the boys want to go, they can go, simple as that.
My daughter was so happy when I told her we would be having a mother daughter day during the vacation! I thought maybe we could go to the Upper Valley Humane Society and hang out in their cat community rooms or maybe go visit my sister and baby niece. Ki was game for both. We timed it just right so that we were able to visit my sister and get some fam girl time in while still head to the Humane Society afterwards to get our kitty time in.
Livy has grown so much, she is about 13 months old now and walking. While Livy is only saying a few words, she has a whole lot to say. She loves books and she loves her Auntie as well as her cousins. Livy is a joy to be around. My sister is shown above in the right photo getting a HIGH FIVE from Livy. The things Livy has learned amazes me, my sister is truly an amazing mother.
We had a blast just hanging out with the girls. My sister, my daughter, my niece and me laughed so hard and chatting it up. Livy even started to brush our hair, what a cutie pie!
This was such a great day to have with my daughter and I am happy that we enjoy visiting with family because that made the day more special for my sister who is often home without many friends. You know how that goes, you have a baby and all of a sudden you have to find more Mom friends because those friends who don’t have kids just “don’t get it”. The joys of motherhood. It was a happy time this day though and allowed me to be in my happy place for a few days afterward.
Livy is climbing all over the place and laughing a real belly laugh now. What a fun thing to witness, a babies first laughter. It was adorable. Livy was trying to climb over her cousin without success because those pants were keeping her from lifting her leg high enough. It cracked us up watching her climb everywhere while babbling her own stories to us!
We had a great couple of hours visiting then ventured off to the Upper Valley Humane Society where we sat in the cat rooms trying to get shy cats to come to us, reading all of the information on the adoptable kitties and wishing that we could adopt a kitty right now. I know we can’t afford a second pet at the moment, so we simply go and socialize with the kitties from time to time in hopes that it brings the kitties some joy to have company while they are waiting for their forever homes at the Upper Valley Humane Society.
It was a wonderful day. I am always thankful to get a mother daughter day in. It made February vacation all that more special for us.

I love one on one time with the kiddos. And hurrah for the time you girls got w/your sister and niece. She is so cute, that big smile is awesome!! And aww, to her brushing your hair. 🙂
It definitely sounds like you guys were able to spend some quality time together. I love that you set aside time to spend with her separately!
Love one on one time w my kids, esp love it when my husband takes the girls out w me. THAT creates awesome memories.
That sounds like such a great day. Looking forward to mother-daughter days with my little one!
What a fun idea to visit the Humane Society and look at pets. We recused both our dogs, and we like to support them.
Adorable! i am so blessed as well, my son is almost 11 and we can go on our own playdate, go out to eat, and just talk and hang out. These kids are a pleasure!
What a fun day! Such a cutie, too!
Though I miss my other kids when they are gone, I do LOVE spending some one-on-one with my kids. It’s nice to be able to concentrate on them and build that relationship.
How fun! What a great way to spend some time together. I’ve been wanting to do more one-on-one dates with my girls. This weekend, we already planned to visit our local humane society too! We’re going to donate some dog food and see the kitties and dogs there.
What a fun day. I wish we weren’t so busy – I need to take more time off!
I LOVE when babies laugh. Best thing ever!
What a great day!! Glad you got to spend time with you family.
So cute!! Perfect Day! To spending time with family is the key to happiness!
Mother/child days are SO important! I love taking each of my boys on date. I’m glad you were able to spend some alone time with your sweet girls.
babies laughter is the best sound EVER. i’m glad you had a nice day!
Aww what great quality time! Sounds like y’all both had fun bonding.
What a great way to spend a day! This is just the fun that we would love to do. I would love to go play with cats with my kids. lol
It is important to have special one on one time with our children. By doing this we create special life-long memories.
Makes me sad I don’t have any girls.. but i go on dates with my boys LOL
Sounds like the perfect mother daughter day! I’ve never thought to go to the Humane Society!
I didn’t realize that was an option at humane societies to do that. That’s great to know!
Sounds like you guys had a great time together. I’m not sure I could take my daughters to the humane society like that and not come home with another pet though 🙂
This is so sweet. Having time together for just mom and daughter is so important.
Ahhh….sounds like the best Mother Daughter day! I need to plan something fun for me and my little guy! Dad always gets to do the fun stuff with him. 😉
My kids love going to the Humane Society to look at the animals. I just have a hard time saying no!! LOL
One on One time is so important! I like taking my two year old out to lunch sometimes while my husband stays with the baby.
I just had a mother daughter day with my girl. We went to Michaels because she loves to craft, got cupcakes and then had hervision tested. She loved it and so did I.
Sounds like a fun day! I try to get some one-on-one time with each of my kids, but sometimes it’s hard to work it into the schedule!
My girls and I just did a girls day today. I love the way you spent the day.
Me too. As a matter of fact, I’m having a mother daughter weekend with my mom next weekend. Looking forward to spending some quality time with her. Glad you got to with yours.
Aww, that’s so sweet. Mommy and daughter time is important, just like Daddy and daughter time!
Oh, what a fun day! You have such a beautiful family.
Mother/daughter days are so fun! I try to have at least one with my daughter every month.
What a great day to be with your daughter! We ought to have more designated days for parents to share fun outings with with their children,
So awesome that you got have a mommy/daughter day! I think it’s so important for that one on one time!
I cannot wait to have one-on-one time with my boys. With the little one just 3 months, it’s hard to get away for time with just my 3 year old.
What a doll! Cherish this time it goes by in such a blink of an eye
What an awesome day! It’s so important to have quality time together.
That does sound like such a fun day. I cannot wait until my daughter gets a bit older so we can have the mother daughter day.
It sounds, and looks, like you guys got to have some quality time together that was great fun. I bet that was a blast for both of you 🙂
I love getting some one on one time with my oldest. It’s important to make sure that everything is not about his brother now, but that he still gets mommy and me time.
What a fun day! Such cute pictures too!