My family is a real connected family. I have this strong family unity bond that enables me to, without question, put my family before anything else in the whole entire world. I work around my family, it doesn’t work around my work. I always have and always will place my child’s needs before my own. This is why we are such a close knit, happy bunch of people. We all know and feel loved, no matter what.
I am here to share a few simple ways to spend time with your family, without spending any money. These simple things done together, on a daily basis, as a family, will seriously enable you to create a strong bond from now unto forever.
I work from home, strictly from home and have since 2006. In March 2006 I left an administrative assistant job that I absolutely loved while pregnant with my middle child because I was always sick. I then ventured along the path I am on today, a work at home Mom path. From direct sales to now freelance writing, I support my family on a very small income. This small income is what has allowed me to teach my children that life is all about the simple things that money can’t buy.
Board Games – We have accumulated a lot of board games in my household, mostly due to the fact that I get a lot of board games from Hasbro for reviews. One way for the average family to stock up on board games is to keep an eye out on yard sales during the warmer seasons, because we have scored deals on various board games at yard sales. Most recently we picked up a Mancala game for $1. Playing board games from an early age and forward helps to establish the life lessons of; good sportsmanship, taking turns, communication and patience.
Reading Together – We have a lot of books in our house and it’s not actually anything we have spent much money on. Over the years we have seen free piles and yard sales that have a lot of books for sale for cheap. Most recently I visited a yard sale that was selling a lot of books at only a quarter a piece. That’s pocket change you can easily find to gather a decent collection of books for your home bookshelf. Reading together from an early age and forward helps to establish the life lessons of; a love of books, ability to read & write on their own at an early age, and a love of adventure with a side of imagination.
Being Silly Together – We have found that being silly together, creating our own unique pretend game play or just taking silly pictures of us being in our own elements has really been the cheapest version of family fun ever. At times you will find us with music blaring and the not-so-coordinated me dancing alongside my super awesome kids. We laugh, we cheer and we just have fun loving each other for our unique traits. Playing tag, hide n seek, dancing together, dancing while doing chores all teach the life lessons of; responsibility, love for themselves and their family, builds their creative side, and enables a love using their imagination.
From playing board games to being silly while doing chores or just being silly in general is a great way to spend time with your children from birth and up. I firmly believe that if you start young then you will find you have raised tweens and teens that have a bond to their family that is unbreakable during any challenging time of life.
What are some cheap or no cost things you do to keep it simple and enjoy your family?

We love board games. Mancala for a dollar is a huge score!! My oldest loved that game, and then of course his brother did too (because he liked everything his brother did). 😉 I thought it was fun. 🙂