It took me a lot of years to get to a place where I realized happiness is more about a thought process than materialistic items or what you have in life. Happiness is an emotion derived from what you have going on inside of your body, mind and soul. Happiness is something that only you can bring to your life, no one else can control your happiness. Other people may be able to affect your happiness, if you let them, but ultimately my point is that it is up to you to lead a happy life and not allow anyone else to deter you from that goal of leading a happy life.
There are many steps to leading a happy life each step may need to be repeated for a lot of many years before your mind fully grasps the concept that happiness really is an attitude. I do need to remind you that leading a happy life doesn’t mean it’s going go give you a life full of sugar and spice and everything nice! Rather, leading a happy life has more to do with the mindset, remembering that even if you are having a bad day or a bad moment that you are ultimately “happy”. This is a concept that is easily confused by those with less experience in being truly 100% happy;
Being legitimately happy and leading a happy life has everything to do with a deep emotional connection within your own self.
Step One – Determine what hobbies or special interests you have that make you feel completely, utterly happy while doing them. The primary step to becoming a sincerely happy person is to ensure that you are partaking in your special interests as often as possible to ensure complete happiness is met each day. For Example: some play musical instruments, some write words, others listen to music or feel most happy curled up reading a good book. Take part in these activities as often as possible to ensure you are consistently working towards a fully happy life.
Step Two – Do onto others as you would have others do unto you. Give to others your time; a simple “have a good day” to the cashier waiting on you, a smile and nod to everyone you walk by or something as simple as kindly holding the door for the person behind you. Be sure to develop a daily routine of consistent acts of kindness to others. This creates a positive energy around you thus allowing you to lead a happy life more effortlessly. Positive energy around you equals being surrounded by happiness.
Step Three – Surround yourself with positive people, we all have those energy sucking negative people in our lives somewhere. While family members who tend to lean more negatively aren’t easily removed from your life, try to distance yourself as often as possible from anyone who feel it’s their mission in life to abide by the “misery loves company” mindset. Rather, enlighten your world with more happy people, those who feel they are blessed and are truly grateful for the life they lead. Happiness breeds more happiness, therefore positive people will bring more positive energy. Surrounding yourself with uplifting, inspirational people will allow you to lead a happy life almost effortlessly.
Step Four – Eat less fatty foods and drink less alcohol. While I am a fan of having a big piece {or two} of greasy pizza or the occasional fast food meal as well as enjoying an alcoholic beverage from time to time, ultimately filling your body with these bad foods or drinks too often, will affect your positive energy. Fill your diet with vegetables, home cooked meals and less fatty foods to allow for your body to feel energized, having more physical energy will release more positive energy. Don’t believe me? Change your diet for just a few days and see how much better you feel inside and out.
Step Five – Exercise to release negative tension; anything from yoga to taking a brisk walk on a warm day can release a lot of negativity. Allowing your body and muscles time to breath, stretch and work out really does assist in creating a positive energy within your own self. You don’t have to over exert yourself on a daily basis, something as simple as parking further away from the entrance to a store will allow you a short walk and release any tension you may be feeling that day. Practice taking time everyday to stretch your muscles so that your mind is clear and body feels refreshed.
To be honest, the top five tips above are the best starting points to leading a happy life. Once you have mastered the top five tips above, you will find a happy life will manifest itself and others around you will feel that positive energy emanating from your aura. Others will have no choice but to automatically feel happy when they are around you, thus making the idea of leading a happy life an effortless task as time goes on.

I find that if I surround myself with happy people, the mood seems to be contagious. I try to distance myself from the negativity.
For me absorbing myself in Gods word helps me to be a better person! You are so correct about each area though! When I eat nasty foods I feel like crap later! It only is temporary happiness!
These steps are wonderful in leading a happy life. I need to make more time for the hobbies I love!
I try to eat healthy, too, and it definitely makes me feel better about myself. Sure, I have my moments (like yesterday when I downed six slices of pizza), but feeling good for me is the first step!
I’m a firm believer in making your own happiness. You may not choose your situation but you choose how to react.
Great tips. What you eat and drink really does impact how you feel.
Great post, these are great ways to lead a happy life! I love #3, 4 & 5!
These Happy Life tips are fantastic. Pursuing hobbies that make you happy is a great idea. We spend so much time doing what we have to do but so little time doing what we love to do.
Great tips and steps. I have promised myself that this year I would cut out unhealthy foods and alcohol. To a lot of my friends it seems extreme but I am determined to get my mind, body, and soul right. I have been wanting to make a big change for a long time.
All of this is sound advice for improving the quality of your life. And step 2 also brightens other people’s day, so the happiness can be multiplied out! 🙂
i believe you choose to be happy. i am trying to teach my kids to choose happy too!
This is so true! These are such great tips! This year I’m trying to focus on the “it could be worse” attitude!
Great post. I think I’m happy almost all of the time, and when I’m not, I try to remind myself that a positive attitude really affects how my day goes. 🙂
As RuPaul says, how the h*11 you gonna’ love somebody else if you don’t love yourself? That’s the center of happiness for me!
I’m trying to do better at a lot of these! Fatty foods and exercise go hand-in-hand. I LOVE the tip to surround ourselves with positive and happy people!
Great tips, I love them!I’m trying to keep a positive outlook on the year, I think that’s the best first step to happiness!
It’s definitely important to remember that there are always those bad “moments” but that they don’t have to “define” you or your life – great tips
YES! These are great tips. I have totally ditched the negative people in my life.
These are such great tips. It is so important to surround yourself with positive people and influences daily.
These are such great tips to help achieve happiness. For me I’ve found simplifying also provides great happiness, sometimes “stuff” tends to get in the way and the less there is the happier I seem to be.
Eating healthy, spending lots of time with my children and husband and exercising often bring up my mood and make me a happier person. These are great tips!
Great post, I really think attitude makes all the difference in the world!
You shared good ideas here. It is important to start our days with an attitude of success.
my tip is to recognize the small things. i find i get annoyed easily but if i stop and actually look at what is going on it really isn’t that big of a deal.
These are some amazing tips! I have been trying to exercise more and think positive.
I think it’s up to us to be happy. I like to think that by helping I can help other people’s happiness as well. My way of giving back. 🙂
Step four is one that I struggle with on a daily basis. I love the way certain foods and drinks taste…but they usually make me feel run down and gross afterwards!
Wonderful tips! I totally agree that being happy is not dependent on other people or stuff; it’s totally up to the individual. Find happiness within oneself and find happiness with the world. I’ve found that sleep, eating healthy, exercising, and being truly present with my children help me stay positive.
Do unto others is something that a lot of people need to do more often. I can’t count the number of rude looks and comments that my husband and I get.
I so agree that negative people can really drain the life right out of you. This is all good advice, Ms. B. 🙂
I agree with you. Happiness is completely internal. You can’t expect other people, money, or things to bring you happiness. Happiness comes from within yourself.
I am working on Step One myself right now! I have realized how much I miss playing music – so I am doing what I can to get back into a band.
Step 5 is super important to my metal health… Great tips!!
I definitely agree that the people you surround yourself with can rub off on you. It’s good to hang out with like-minded, positive folks.
Exercise has been a crucial component to my happiness. It’s not even about appearance, it’s about the way I sleep and eat better. It’s also about the way it forces my to be disciplined. I can’t say enough good things.
I feel more happier when I exercise too. I have to say I have been lazy though and need to get back in the groove of going on walks and stuff with the kids.
I agree with surrounding yourself with positive people. Definitely getting rid of the toxic people this year!