Last night my son’s weren’t too happy about the lack in after school snack upon their pick up from school. You see, my sons get out of school ready to eat their arm off because they are just so hungry. I usually grab something quick and this particular afternoon, I used some change to grab them each 2 munchkins from Dunkin Donuts. Wrong choice. Total meltdown over not wanting such a treat. I was in shock, figured they would have been excited to have a random small treat. Nope. They were upset, but using my Mom skills they finally accepted the treats and rode home with little issues. Upon arrival to our driveway the little one says “let’s make cookies”, I was all for this idea but uncertain what ingredients I had in my kitchen. Then it was realized, we can make sugar cookies. That’s when the plan unfolded.
First step was to ensure neither boy had any homework or papers for me to sign in their backpacks. Next, Mama had to get that mess of a kitchen cleaned up just so we could make another mess of the kitchen. The boys played cheerfully on the Playstation 3 Demo of Minecraft. No fighting. I was in shock. I had the music on low and was washing dishes and setting up the bowls for our sugar cookie experience. I haven’t ever made sugar cookies with just my sons, and honestly I was shocked to find out that Aj actually wanted to join us. You see, Aj is now off medications. As of Monday, he has not had a mg of any medication, sadly he came down with a bug for the past few days, but today, he was back on track with no sickies. Aj was having his first real evening without medication and it was such a lovely evening to boot!
The boys had a blast measuring and mixing, K-man has helped in the kitchen quite often in years past so he knows his way around the kitchen but Aj hasn’t helped in the kitchen in many years, so this was fun to watch him learn how to measure things and to really have fun helping put sugar, butter and vanilla extract into his bowl. K-man had the job of whisking the flour and baking soda together, wrong kid for the job but hey he had a blast! Then, it happened, K-man started realizing how much of a cool mess he could make with flour and started tossing it around, hands flying, his face full of smiles and pure laughter. Aj grumbled a little because he didn’t want any on him but I assured Aj that when we bake, we make a mess and it’s FUN!
What happened next I never could have imagined wouldn’t have created a throw down match between my sons, but … it didn’t. My youngest decided it would be cool to toss flour at his brother. OMG, I shuddered. I cringed. I watched careful, on guard ready to protect K-man from the normal wrath of a ticked off Aj when …. Aj started laughing! A full blown laughter fit. K-man was laughing, Aj was laughing and I too joined in. I was so happy in that moment, a moment I will forever remember. Could this be because he isn’t on medications anymore? Could it be that my ‘real son’ is shining through after so many years of being on various medications? I don’t care what it is, all I know is I am so happy to have witnessed and been part of this lovely evening with my sons.
Pure laughter. Nothing more, nothing less. Later that night, as I sung the boys to sleep and tucked them in, a tear fell down my face. I felt so much love and happiness, I felt at peace, for the first time in a long time and that made me realize that maybe, just maybe …. my sweet Aj may be better off without those high risk medications after all. Maybe. It was one day, and I will take it. Keeping Faith there are many more of these days to follow.

What a beautiful story, and you’re nice to let them create and have fun without henpicking their progress!! I thought your story was cool, and I know that sense of happy you described at the end. All mom’s do. Best feeling in the world. 🙂
Ah, it looks like you all had a great time. I need more moments like that with my own kids. It is fun times like that, that they will always remember.
My boys would be SO mad and I’m sure there would be more throwing and a fight on my hands! LOL. That’s too cute he just laughed!
So sweet to have stories to tell like this, of your little ones!! Here is to hoping he will have many more good days with his mama!!! Love the cookies!
What a sweet and fun time. I love making memories with my daughter. 🙂
Your awesome pictures reminded me of my brother and I when we were children. Me trying to bake and him trying to help out. It was so crazy, it ended with such a messy kitchen. I remember our mom getting furious, but she ate our cake anyway.
This post made me smile while I was reading it because I can feel the happiness and love in the story! What a great memory. I have happy memories of my mom teaching me how to bake.
I bet that is a memory they will always love!! Days like that are the best!! This whole post made me smile!
That looks like a lot of fun! LOL – the hand print is the best.
What a fun time. Love the hand print.
Aww, so glad you had this moment. Very sweet.
Those are great moments. Great memories. You can’t buy those in the supermarket. You make them and you cherish them!. Lucky You!