I have not updated you all recently on the last two weekend visits I had with my sister and niece Olivia. Olivia is growing like a weed, so big she is and that was even more evident when she came with my sister to Aj’s soccer game last week. At the soccer field there is always these twin girls, who are completely adorable and tiny. These twin girls are always crawling around, curious about their world, and sometimes they are just standing in one place; at no time did I even think that these twin girls were older than my niece because of their size, however, they are 11 months old and my niece is 8 months old – big difference in baby months for sure!
One of the weekends I went over to my sisters is with all three of my children; the theme? Get cousins together day. The outcome? Get girl cousins together and let boy cousins run aimlessly through my sister’s home. Sounds about right. My sons are not too interested in their baby girl cousin just yet, maybe once she is moving around they will be more interested in her but for now she is just a mini person who sits, babbles and cries so they don’t really have too much curiosity about her yet. As we continue to visit with my sister and Olivia each week, Olivia is opening up more and recognizing me whereas before during each time I stopped in she would have to take more time to be comfortable with me; she is nervous with “new” people.
I brought baby Olivia a gift; an Elmo that talks and is bigger than her. At first she was quite bothered by this large stuffed Elmo but in time during that visit she warmed up to him and with my boyfriend speaking Elmo talk using the doll – she soon was “best friends” with her Elmo doll. One thing that made me happy and is shown in the far left image above; Olivia loves my home made apple sauce! The past couple of times I went over for a visit I brought my sis and Olivia some of my home made apple sauce to enjoy. They love it! I love that Olivia is showing happiness in a lot more pictures and look to the far right – my sister and her baby Olivia, isn’t that the most happy looking Mama? I love my sister tons.
Normally, you may recall, most of the pictures I share of Olivia are inside. Right? I am not sure why because the girl loves being outdoors, so one visit we had with sis and Olivia we decided to take a stroll outside. Olivia let me hold her for a long time and we checked out the Fall leaves in New Hampshire while her Mama went to the store real quick. That marks the first time my sister left Olivia with me; I’m excited to be taking these baby steps towards being able to have my niece overnight in the future!
Olivia enjoyed the leaves and while I had to keep her from eating most of them, she was happy. It was a wonderful time visiting with my sister and niece again; I sure do love family. I love these two girls dearly – can you tell?!

She’s just as pretty as she can be too. Baby visits are awesome. 🙂