Yesterday was a day full of challenges. From the onset of Monday morning, my life was in utter chaos mode and it only grew worse when I picked up my sons from school. It was a Monday of all Monday’s, that one digger. That one day where it was extremely challenging for me to count my blessings. I literally wanted a do-over. I had wished I could climb in bed, close my eyes and wake up all over again much like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.
I picked up the boys from school and my youngest was in a mood. My youngest gets in these moods where, instead of speaking English, he speaks these grumpy giberish tones that make no sense. I do not play that game, if my children cannot speak and wish to be mumbling grumpies that are completely impossible to comprehend, then they can deal. I will not play into that. No way.
Finally, about 20 minutes later I had my two sons buckled into the van ready to get my daughter from band practice, that didn’t go without the couple minute drive of me having to listen to grumpy pants in the way back of my van grumbling louder and louder. I couldn’t help him if he wouldn’t speak of what his issue was.
It dawned on me, finally, that my youngest had to go pee. Well why couldn’t he have just said that while we were at his school so I could walk him back into school to use the bathroom. Well, because that would have been too easy. After a weekend away it takes the youngest a little bit of time, sometimes, to transition back to Mom’s house. This was one of this cases, he just was in a mood and there was no breaking it – simply working with it without feeding into it.
The boy went pee. The daughter got out of band and we returned home. Only to have to leave for cheer practice, which was a nice break for me because the boys stayed home with my boyfriend playing board games and coloring. After cheer practice I returned home to my somewhat “back to themselves” sons and had a decent evening.
Then bedtime came, it all started again. Finally they were all fast asleep and I was able to sit on my couch, tune into watching NickMom television, laugh a bit and then I went to sleep.
Today is another day and I am trying my best to count my blessings for I do have so much to be grateful for even if Monday made me question everything.