In 2006 I started working from home. I am a determined person and once my mind is set on something, I always succeed. It does not matter what it is, I am stubborn, willful and always end up succeeding in whatever my mind knows I will succeed in. Maybe that has a little bit to do with how my brain works, which is very similar to the Law of Attraction with a side of new found faith. From 2006 up until just last week, I always had to work around my children’s school schedules. I started off with one boy at home while I worked direct sales, then in 2008 I welcomed a second baby boy in addition to my six year old daughter and four year old son. I had to work from a home computer in between feedings, play time and nap time as well as school pick ups and sporting events. Juggling parenting with work at home was a constant “thing” for me and I didn’t mind one bit. Sure some days it was stressful and I wondered if I would ever make enough to support the family. Finally it came, the day when I could put my virtual assistant business on the back burner and focus primarily on my one love; writing otherwise known as blogging to me these days.
Confucius says that if you choose a job you love, that you will never work a day in your life; that is very true. By blogging each day and being able to experience products before they hit shelves while offering them to my readers as a giveaway is something that I love doing. In writing each day, sharing my trials and tribulations I am able to go back and analyze how I should or should not handle situations. In writing each day, I am able to share a piece of my mind whether it be a rambling day of nothingness or a day that I share some real knowledge, I am happy. I do what I am passionate about and that is what allows me to wake up each day with a smile and a sense of gratitude for having been blessed for all I have in life.
This year is the first year, make that last week, that I was first able to put my work into a full time status. No more working around one, two or three children. I get six hours a day Monday through Friday to pursue my work from home businesses. I get to write to my hearts desire, I have more time to get to NYC to cover events or host events locally. I have so much more options open to me this school year with the free time. I am excited about that but part of me is still in that mindset I have had to be since 2006; rush rush rush. Make sure I get stuff done before a kid wakes up from nap or gets out of preschool. It’s as if my brain is a little slow to respond to such time to work. I have time for a break mid day if need be, if my kids didn’t sleep for crap all night long – I can nap. If I am behind on things, I have time to catch up while still take on new work.
There is so much more to my life now that I have more work at home time, I just wish my brain would catch up and stop getting all ADD on me so that I can relax my shoulders a bit more during working hours. Maybe that is just who I am though, a rush rush sort of person, after all I have to GO GO GO with my five year old when he’s home so it’s just something I have gotten used to. Hopefully in the next week or two my brain will stop and realize when the kids are in school I can take time, slow down and only be ADD like when the kids are home so as to keep up with them, but learn to breath more during daytime hours.

You already seem so productive, I imagine that will increase quite a bit. I have worked FT most of my life, but am not right now and I’ve never had so little time!! It’s strange to me that it seems like there’s more time when I’m working a traditional job. Maybe I try to do too much without the 9-5 construct in place.
Good luck to you in your newly found free time 🙂