My sister is four years younger than me, since I am going to be 32 in October I do believe that means she just turned 28 in July. My sister had been told most of her teenage years and adult years that she would not have a baby, the chances were so ridiculously low that she pretty much accepted that she would never mother a child. My sister made a fantastic auntie to my children, but, as most are aware, nothing is the same until you have raised a child of your own. Something about giving birth to a child of your own makes you change, grow up {usually} and just look to life more differently than before. What happens when you finally accept that you are not going to have any children and then…. a beautiful baby girl is born?
I cannot even begin to imagine the feelings my sister had when she found out she was going to be having a baby girl. About seven months ago she gave birth to a sweet little girl named Olivia. I became an auntie that day for the first time and my sister became a Mom for the first time. It was a magical moment, that I missed because I had to be back for my sons and Olivia was not coming anytime soon. Already having her Mom’s stubborn genes prior to birth. Haha!
I am inspired and so proud to look at my sister, a new Mom, growing up and loving this sweet little baby girl like any mother would. Being a Mom seems to come natural to my sister, while she does parent her baby differently than I did, she is wonderful at parenting in her own way. Olivia is growing like a weed and last time I saw her she was a sweetheart, previously she wasn’t too into letting anyone hold her but she let me hold her. Olivia giggled and smiled, she let me hold her longer than ever before. My heart melted. I can see why my sisters heart has softened up by becoming a Mom, she has a beautiful, healthy little girl.
I am proud of my sister because I have seen where she came from, the person she had to be in order to be at this point in her life. My sister had to make certain mistakes, just like everyone, in order to be able to mother a child and be ready to mother that child properly. I think now is the best time and right time for her to have given birth to a sweet miracle! I look forward to continuing to watch as my sister grows with her baby girl and see what their future has in store for them as mother & daughter. I love my sister and my niece so much!

What a wonderful tribute to your sister, and your niece is g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s!