I am very active in social media, more active than I have been on my blog this Summer and that’s because it’s much easier for me to spew out a few things online via my Twitter, Facebook or Instagram as well as now Vine app on my phone than to find a time when kids are away to write fully on my blogs. I watched most of this Summer as parents were fed up or counted down days from the beginning of Summer break til school started again. These same parents did a lot with their kids during the Summer, I know this because I see their posts and pictures via social media, I am not saying they are bad parents for missing the break from kids school brings to them. I, after all, co parent my children so I do get a break all year round to split up the duties of having to occupy children 24/7 during Summer break.
With that being said, I am one who truly enjoys being a mother and as we near the start of school my baby is headed to all day Kindergarten, a change that I welcome but also am not quite ready for. I have watched children around the area either lose a parent or a parent lose a child and there are people who cannot have children, so to me, having children is truly a blessing and being a great Mommy is something I try not to take for granted, ever. While having two weeks straight with my highly active sons who seem to be having a testosterone increase as of late, may drive me insane and make me cry or yell more from time to time, I do not wish to have school start any day soon. I have enjoyed my times with the children, even when they were at their worst.
Everyone who knows me can see that being a Mom is the best thing that ever happened to me; it’s as if I was born to be a mother. Sure, I love my work from home as well, writing is my passion, therapy and outlet as well as income but being a Mom is my first favorite job ever. I get to live my life in a way that teaches the children to be a good person with good morals and a well rounded personality. I live my life to teach them how I wish them to be {with a side of their own uniqueness} as they grow older. I can only hope that one day my children will look back and remember every Summer break being that of happiness because they were wanted and they felt wanted and loved.
So it’s quite simple, how did I endure Summer break with children? The answer is, I took one day at a time and counted my blessings no matter how rough of a day or week I had with the kiddos. That is how one can endure Summer break when it comes around again.

A million times better to have them on the worst day ever than to not have them around at all!! I’ve got two who are grown, the oldest I’m okay with now because he’s married w/a family of his own (and happy). The second oldest has been gone a year now and I still miss him all of the time!