Easter Sunday is normally just another day for me, if the kids are here they wake up and find their Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny hid all over the house for them. When the kids are gone, like this past Easter, then it’s simply just another day. The Easter Bunny visits and hides the baskets but the kids do not get to find them until they return home on Monday. As most of you know that talk to me often or read my blog, I became an aunt for the first time in January and so this year a new tradition was born. Whether this is done yearly or not, I don’t know, all I do know is this – Easter Sunday this year was spent at my sisters and her husbands apartment. Sister cooked a nice ham meal for us to gobble up and I got to spend quality time with my niece and sister.

What a fun day it was to see my niece for the first time in forever, you see between the virus that was in my home and took a month to get over and now my sister and her family being sick with the virus, it just wasn’t smart to have all of us around each other. Since my baby niece is still sick as well as my sister and her husband I wasn’t quite sure about heading over at all anytime soon but the temptation of great company combined with great food was simply irresistible. And so I went over to the sisters house and enjoyed ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing and deviled eggs. Then for dessert we had strawberry shortcake, it was super yummy and I left super full.
I was so happy to see my sister and to get my baby fix, my youngest is four so any chance to snuggle and cuddle with a baby I am going to go for. Olivia is getting so big and she is smiling a lot now. I loved watching her lay on her back on the floor while I leaned over her talking to her and she smiled then turned her head as if she was playing shy not wanting me to see her smile. I had a lovely Easter Sunday and I hope all of you did too. Now it’s time to return back to regular work week schedule and children duty.

Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. Olivia (love her name) is adorable!
I’m glad you had a wonderful Easter, and your niece is beautiful. 🙂