I am a part of many communities that bloggers unite together in support of each other. In some of these communities, bloggers share opportunities for each other to make more money or to review fantastic products as well as host giveaways. While I am all for the blending of bloggers together in a supportive community, I think of blogging communities as that of a normal work environment. If I were working in an office outside of the home then my rate I get would not be something open for discussion and in most cases I could get fired for sharing my pay grade. Employers frown upon employees sharing their wage, why? Because it opens the doors to this “life isn’t fair” and “I deserve more because so and so got more” type of immature, hard feelings scenario. The same goes for blogging.
I have never had a blogger get all jealous and angry with me to my face about any time I have shared the rate I received on a specific job that didn’t hold me under a contracted non-disclosure. I am lucky that I take my contracts, whether verbally, written or just plain common sense, seriously. I know that one company who paid me may not have the same budget to pay everyone. That is the joys of this world of blogging, if you are within the first few to work with someone before the rest of the community has worked with them, then you get a larger rate {more often than not}, however, if you are further down on the list to contact, have less of a page rank, or may not be as suitable for the work, then your rate is going to be less.
I have been on both sides of the scenario where I got paid my full going rate because the client had a budget to work with still, while other times I have been close to last on the list and been offered way less than my normal going rate. While I won’t work for pennies on the dollar, I am willing to bend if that means building a relationship with a great company/brand. With that being said, I am not going to share my rates with anyone I do not 100% trust or know that they do not blog so won’t really cause an issue. The reason is: I do not want to be that person shown as an example in an angry email sent to some client about how they paid me more and are offering them crap for the same work.
I do not want to have my blogging reputation ruined and income to support my three kids ruined because someone felt citing my pay grade as an example to tell a firm that they feel as if they have been spat in the face or what not. I refuse to be someone’s excuse as to why they should be paid more. I do not think it is good work ethic to 1) share rates with others that you do not 100% fully trust and 2) reference another bloggers income they received for said work as a way to try to tell off a firm.
What do you think? Should bloggers really share their rates with other bloggers or do you agree, that the normal work ethic etiquette should be followed as if they were employees at a firm?

When another blogger asks me what I make for each promotion that I do, I simply change the subject. Or I give them the point of contact for the network or advertiser and let them negotiate a rate for themselves.
Changing subject is a great idea. But what if they are relentless in wanting to know? How do you politely tell them “none of your business” …
If they’re really pushing it, I’ll simply say I can’t disclose compensation. I’ll ask the promoter if they are looking for other sites to advertise on and if “I” feel they are a good fit I’ll forward that person’s site.
I don’t like to talk about money. It’s personal. I mean I would tell you cause we are besties but other than that, nope sorry.