I have had such a blast on school vacation week, but it’s time to get back to the real world of balancing mom and work. I had such a great time bringing my kids to the Montshire Museum of Science on Friday, we learned while having fun and I will be sure to share more pictures during the upcoming week.
Yes, that is my loves hanging outside before we went into the museum and is now my favorite picture of the happy munchkins together.
While school vacation puts a toll of how much we can all handle each other, I can honesty say that there really wasn’t too many challenges that arose in parenting and hanging out with my kids during the week. My youngest has been testing my patience lately and one day while in the pet store watching the turtles, the worker says to me “wow, you are a really patient mom”. I had to think because sometimes after a long day with my youngest I wonder if I am patient enough, so to have someone say that was a wonderful feeling.
The kids laughed, we played, we colored, we did two day trips and another couple of trips to the pet store just to watch the turtles mostly. We just had a wonderful week and even though I had a fantastic time, I am ready to get back into the normal schedule and routine of school and work. Since my ex husband got a new job, he is closer to our town, which means he can have our youngest longer. I will now have two days a week to work and three part days to work. I am excited to be able to increase my work load and hours now.
There have been so many positives from this past week to mention, but just let it be known, I had one amazing school vacation week with my kids, and when the boyfriend and his kids were around we had fun too. It’s just been one of those weeks to remind me I am truly blessed and should be grateful for what I have in my life because what I have in my life is love and happiness no matter what!
Did you all have school vacation this past week? If not, when do you or did you have it? What did you all do during school vacation?

I’m so jealous of the people who have winter break, I wish we had one here!
It sounds like you all had a wonderful time, and that’s always nice to read. 🙂
You guys have vacation a week later than we did here in MA. We didn’t do much over ours, but in April when they have another week off, we will do more because the weather will be nicer.