Friendship –
Being a friend does not mean smothering each other with each waking moment of existence. Honestly if you are a parent who is able to smother yourself with anything but taking care of your kids during the day, I applaud you because you are a much more multi-tasking person than I. There will be times when you have gone and angered your friend to the point where they have to separate themselves from you. There will be times when you and your friend don’t even talk for months because one or both is so busy with their own life.
We are adults after all, right? We have to ensure the everyday needs of our children are met, well unless you are someone who has all of these simple needs taken care of by another person. Then we could argue you are not a true adult then or have one amazing husband/partner.
It doesn’t matter who you are. How long you been friends. How great of friends you are. Truth is – once we all turned adults, life happened. There isn’t always time to make for needless hours of talking or texting. Sometimes even the most positive of people, myself included, need a break at the end of the day from people in general. It’s nothing offensive, it’s just called knowing what you need to do to keep your own happiness within and doing it.
I barely speak to any of those I call friends, not because I am not thinking about them, but because I have a lot going on. And I mean a lot. I have to find a rental. I have to save for a deposit while still paying current bills and paying back my Mom for oil costs this Winter. I also have to make sure I am bidding on jobs and looking for more work to ensure that I have work consistently rolling in. I also have to tend to my kids, their schedules and their needs. I have to fit in family time fun somewhere in the middle of all of that too.
Life is hectic at times and sometimes if you see me at the school and we chat, then that’s about the only time in the day we get to catch up because I am busy every other moment and when my hyper boys finally lay down to sleep, all I want to do is crash in my recliner without a single word from anyone else.
My point is this: no matter how long you go without speaking to someone, no matter what happens to try to tear away the bond that was created between two people as friends, that the friendship will always prevail. It may take a bit before you all start communicating regularly again. It may not take a bit. Truth be known once you are true friends, with a true bond, that will always be there. No matter what.

I agree. I have friends that I only see once or twice a year now, but they still mean as much to me now as they did when I saw them all of the time.
Amen. 😉