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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

6 thoughts on “Sometimes Wednesday Late Afternoons Suck”

  1. I don’t know you that well but it sounds like he gets a lot of what he wants. To me it sounds like it’s time for some tough love. He needs to learn to be independent. Are you going to quit your job because your child had a bad day at school? Can you afford to do that? Are you willing to do that? All you can do is tell him that this is how it is and has to be…he eventually will get used to it and it won’t be an issue.

    1. You sort of nailed that. He does get away with more than my other two would. I actually am working on that. I also talk to my kids as if they are human, so I felt taking the time to explain to him that it was unacceptable how he behaved & he lost cartoons for it tonight actually, but I let him know that I have to work and today he knew I wasn’t going so to be hateful towards me was not okay. In my mind I get torn, but out spoken, I tell him this is how it is. And now I just have to stick with it, he will get used to it just hard on me I think.

      1. Mine is acting out now too. She’s trying to be the boss of everyone in her class. Now when her friends come over I’m constantly telling her the let her friends play the way they want. Not the way she wants. Preschoolers are tough. She’s my oldest so I’m just learning.

  2. Your baby sounds a lot like my baby. He totally gets away with murder – because he knows he can. If it were me, I would make him suck it up because he needs to know that when you work, it pays the bills, etc.

  3. I agree with the other two. Tough love is SO hard to do and I know I can be as guilty as the next and give into it. I would say when he does those temper tantrums walk away (obviously to a place you can see him and he is safe) don’t feed into it by talking to him until he has calmed down. If he doesn’t calm down that easily start acting like he does. Usually that stops them in their tracks and start to wonder what you are doing (I don’t get embarrassed easily). They can see how ridiculous they look (It works most of the time!)

  4. I am not big on spanking but in this case he would have been spanked. I agree, there needs to be some tough love and part of being a good mother is setting boundaries with your children. If you can’t bring yourself to spank him the you need to find out what his currency is and take it from him when he acts like that. For my boys it’s the iPad. The minute I say they won’t be playing on it, they straighten right up! lol

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