Miss Kiara had a birthday party at the beginning of October and we shared our adventures in making our own Hawaiian Leis for her Hawaiian birthday party on Instagram. Here is what we did to make our own leis, as a way to have craft time fun and save a little cash.
Supplies Needed:
- Needle and thread.
- Tissue paper in variety of colors.
- Scissors
- Beads {optional}
Get Making Your Leis
Measure your thread out to where you want it, be sure to double it up this helps hold the paper better. Start hand sewing through the middle of your paper that has been cut {or folded} into 2 inch strips. The measurement for your thread should be about 36 inches or so, depending upon how long you want your Hawaiian Leis to be.
Sewing should be done at 1/4 threading and pull the thread all the way through while doing this. As you sew, be sure to bunch up the tissue paper to ensure you are making a fan type look with the paper.
Once you have reached the end be sure to turn it around and scrunch it in opposite fan direction to make it look twirly, sort of like shown in image above where my daughter has her first part of her home made leis complete.
My daughter and I honestly did this by trial and error, we had fun with the directions listed above and made ours a bit more unique by adding beads in between the flowers and curled our tissue paper the way we wanted it to look.
Once completed all steps and have the Hawaiian Leis ready, simply tie the string together and you can wear it!
All of the party guests enjoying going home with a homemade Hawaiian Leis and this would be a great hit at any party. Thinking about dressing up for Halloween? Use these as part of your costume!

Oh you guys are so crafty – what a fun idea.
The beads added a cool touch!
New Blog Post: Make Your Own Hawaiian Leis for Parties http://t.co/yTshwRxx