I have random conversations with people about blogging and vlogging (video blogging) because after all so many want to know what it is I do to work from home while raising three kids. I am not rich, I do not get huge search engine traffic just yet, but I do earn a decent revenue from my blogs and videos to survive. I would never tell another person they are going to live lavishly on a blog income, but some do. You can succeed if you put your mind to it and devote time to creating good content, or like me just get lucky and have people love who you are as an honest, loyal, fun person.
One thought that is shared with me from various people is “what if people don’t like what I have to say or write?”. I never had that thought. Ever.
When people say that to me, my positive optimistic mind kicks in and I promptly reply that they will have people who want to hear what they have to say. Maybe not right away but if they have something to put out there in this world, they are real and they love what they do, people will hear and read the passion behind their voice and flock to read or listen to what they have to say.
Take me, for example, I don’t really feel like I do a whole lot, I am simply writing because I have a love for writing. Sure I published a book with my daughter in June and sure I have been writing and vlogging since 2008 but when I started I had no clue if anyone would listen, if anyone would care. Over the years, I have seen that people do care and people do love me. Not everyone, but just enough people do.
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I am not blogging or vlogging to win a popularity contest, I am doing this because I feel that sharing my world, my thoughts and my experiences in life, love and parenting may help others. I have done a lot in my life, both good and bad, I have grown and when others watch good people grow they love to learn more and they thrive to be better themselves. I am not here to get rich, I am not here to worry about who loves me, hates me or likes me, I am here spreading my message and my life because I love to do it.
Blogging and vlogging pushes me to do better and always reach higher for myself and my children. I am thankful for those who read this, for those who watch my videos and for those who don’t? That is okay. I am not worried about those who don’t want to hear me or see me, I am just grateful for those who do. So if you are thinking about putting a message out there, you have something to say, then move forward and just do it, do not look back and I promise good things will come as long as you stay true to who you are!

I think you have the perfect attitude as a blogger and your should never really care if people will like you or what you have to say, because honestly, some will and some won’t. It’s just the way it works 🙂
You rock Brandy!
I think that’s why your blog is enjoyable to read; it’s authentic and it’s you! 🙂
You have an awesome attitude. This is how I try to approach my blogging and vlogging.
You have such an inspiring attitude 🙂
Great attitude! I wish I didn’t care, but from Day 1 I wanted to see if anyone was reading what I had to say. I was obsessed with Google Analytics for a while. Now, I enjoy the community of it and the awesome people I meet…like you 🙂
I completely agree with you!!
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from an old boss…She said You can’t be everything to everybody, so I’d be a fool to try. (This was in reference to a restaurant, but is so applicable to blogging)
Just do your thing and do it the best you can.