I remember when I used to have a cool smartphone, that Blackberry totally rocked my world but the problem with it was; I was working 24/7, literally checking email before bed, as soon as I rolled out of bed, replying to emails within moments of them reaching my inbox. I think reps started to get used to me replying so quickly and maybe they are used to this with other bloggers as well which means they send you opportunities expecting a quick reply, as in within moments.
Slow down people! You do not need to reply to a reps contact the moment it arrives in your inbox, remember that you want to look busy even if you are not right? You want reps to know that you are running a well established business or brand for yourself and that your time is worth money. Now I know that if someone replies to me immediately I either 1) caught them at the right time or 2) they feel the need to reply to me quickly.
When I work for brands on blogger outreach I try to ensure that the bloggers will have time to evaluate my offer, research the time they have available to commit to my client and then, only then, reply to me with their answer as to whether or not they can take part in that campaign. I could not imagine being that rep that sends out an email and then only a couple of days later says “sorry that offer no longer stands”, umm okay? Then why did you send me the pitch in the first place?
I completely understand we all, bloggers and reps, get into these quick turn around deadlines from time to time and that is simply okay, I expect to have the occasional rushed pitch and if I reply in a couple of days not getting the chance, I truly understand and am okay with that. The problem I have is when someone pitches me, acting as if my blog matters to them more than it really does, and then turns around to say “oh sorry, that opportunity is now full” when it was only a couple of days.
I have a life and a business, I am mom of three first, blogger & virtual assistant second. That is who I am, that is who I will forever be. I won’t fall victim of smartphone quick reply emails ever again, my life has become so much happier not falling victim to the stress of thinking that an email can not wait until my “office hours” have begun.

Glad to hear that you are turning off the smartphone. E-mails are always there and are not as essential as family. I too hate when PR do not get back to me after pitching to me and I reply but it’s not as important as not attending to the kids when they need me.