Welcome to my first time participating in a blog hop with MomDot and other fabulous bloggers. This week we are talking about blog goals; why is it we started blogging in the first place and what are our goals?
Why Did I Start Blogging?
Back in December 2008 I had just had enough with direct sales, sure I was great at it, sure it was fun but I preferred to lead a team rather than sell random items to others. The problem was, this just wasn’t me any more. I knew there had to be more out there for me to do from home. That’s when I had a long conversation with my friend @mommadjane who introduced me to the idea of blogging and making money through your blog.
Of course eventually you could make money, you may not make any at first. I had plenty of time to invest and no extra money so I thought what’s the harm? Writing has always been my passion and if I could do that for work from home? I could potentially be a whole lot happier in life! So I jumped in and started a blogspot blog on Bloggers Free Blogging Platform, named it Writings of a WAHM and never looked back.
What Was My Goal With Blogging?
When I first started blogging I think my main goal was to make money and share who I am as a person. I knew as I grew into this positive mindset type of person, I would be able to influence others to look to the positive in life and be able to succeed at all they put their mind to. I knew I had/have a special way of thinking and if I could share this through my writing I could help others.
So basically blogging goals involved helping others and making money to support my children.
Have I Been Successful at Blogging?
I honestly feel I have been successful at blogging, the Writings of a WAHM blog is no longer active as that name, I purchased a domain and changed the name to Happily Blended. That is where my over 1K subscribers come to read about my day, the products I Love and enter a giveaway or two. My readership grows often but my past readers stay loyal.
I have been successful in blogging, yes indeed, but as with any occupation you always want to work towards more goals & being more successful. I am moving forward to change up this blog in a more positive way and in turn make more money with the readers that come to see what I have to say.

Great post. It is always great to reanalyze why you’re doing what you’re doing. That’s great that you have found success blogging!
Thank you for telling your Blogging story and goals! Being a newbie it’s great to hear your successes!
Isn’t great that Trisha suggested we do this activity as a blog post? I think it helps to rethink how we are doing things and where we want to go from here.
Thanks for sharing how you got started and what your goals are!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Glad to hear that you have been successful in blogging and have been meeting your goals. Hope that you be able to increase your revenue and get all that you desire.
When I started blogging, I had no idea you could make money doing it. You are way ahead of me because you did know that.