Another at my moms BBQ tale but this time it’s what K man was saying with his confident little tone and look. You see on August 19th K man turned 4 and with that came a whole new outlook on life, he is now a big boy. K man will be going to preschool this year since Kindergarten is a full day, I wanted to ensure he has some schooling in before he goes full days. K man is my little dare devil but he is also my little baby, meaning? He will try any trick you can think of and climb any tree he can monkey his arms around but if he gets hurt? He will whine and/or cry forever in a dramatic way about it.
While at my Mom’s BBQ K man thought it would be totally acceptable to put his little boy nose in the air and look down upon the other boys running around & say “I can ride my bike with no training wheels”. Now mind you, I don’t think he truly meant to come off snobby and rude but he totally did. I had to laugh at him but also smile and say “I know you are proud buddy but don’t be mean about it”.
Once K man spotted the cool bike at Meme’s house he was on that thing the whole time, only getting off for short breaks to see if any of the other boys wanted to ride it. Only one of the many little boys there took K man up on the offer for a turn so K man had most of the time to ride at his own free will. Up and down hills, all around the tar driveway, in between the basketball game, in between adults legs … you know, all over, the whole time.
Crashing and burning onto the tar driveway a couple of times, I thought for sure he was done, but nope. He threw that bike down a couple of times in an angry way with a scowl on his face then picked it up and went back a riding. I am so proud of him and I know he is so proud too since he will tell random strangers “I can ride my bike with no training wheels”.
The day of his birthday? He went over to the dumpster and threw his training wheels right away just one last step to ensure no one could put those training wheels back on that bike!

What a big boy! Congrats on ditching the training wheels!
Wow, what a Big Boy!!! My kids were the same way when they were little. That’s funny about the Training Wheels. LOL!