So, maybe now you are feeling the financial pinch and need to kick back and look a little more closely at the money issues you are facing?
What can you do as a quick fix to help you out of this mess? Try some of these and see if they help towards sorting out some of your financial worries.
- Cut up your credit cards. Everyone knows that the simple thing to do is to pull out that money spending card, take your credit cards and put them in the bin, not in your wallet where it’s easy to spend them! If you argue that you need it for “emergencies,” just be sure to keep a small amount of cash hidden in your wallet for these emergencies. Don’t keep plastic on you until you have the willpower to not use it even when you’re sorely tempted.
- Master the easy ten-second rule. Whenever you put an item in your shopping cart or to take it to the checkout, stop for ten seconds and ask yourself why you’re buying it and whether you actually need it or not. As this way you will save on all that unwanted stuff which will sit in your cupboards unused, if you can’t find a good answer, put the item back. This keeps you from spending the cash that you don’t have.
- Eat breakfast and exercise more. So, we were always told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day; statistics show that breakfast fills you up with energy for the day and also decreases your desire to eat a big lunch in the middle of the day. Not only that, breakfast can be very healthy, quick, and inexpensive. A bowl of porridge in the morning is often the one thing that keeps you from running out to eat an expensive lunch later in the day – and it keeps you full of energy for the entire morning instead of in a drowsy daze.Exercise more. Take the dog for a walk in the morning and in the evening, and practice stretching and some light muscle exercise at home. These exercises can be done at home for free meaning you’ve got an activity without a lot of cost, and the health benefits are enormous. Just set aside some time each day to get some exercise, and your body and wallet will thank you and so will you waist size.Turn off the television and gizmos. One big way to save money is to switch of your television and electrical goods when you are not using them. This will lower your energy bills massively.
- Master the thirty-day rule. Whenever you’re considering making an unnecessary purchase, car, television, phone etc… wait thirty days and then ask yourself if you still want that item. Quite often, you’ll find that the urge to buy has passed and you’ll have saved yourself some money by simply waiting.
- Cut back on the convenience foods – had a hard day at work and you cant be bothered to eat… the first thing that comes to mind are fast foods, microwave meals, and so on. Instead of eating fast food or just some prepackaged food when you get home, try making some simple and healthy replacements. An hour’s worth of preparation one weekend can give you a ton of cheap and handy meals that will last you for the week will end up saving you a lot of cash and not eat into your time when you’re busy.
These tips are so true. I have been living by these a while and they really do make a difference to help you save money. Thanks.
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