I took on babysitting three siblings a few times a week, not because of money but because I am already home with my munchkins why not give them some friends to finish out the Summer with. Plus, I have always loved children even before my Mama days.
Yesterday was my second time babysitting for a full day, on Saturday I had 2 half of the day then only their youngest the remainder of the day. Today I had three and my three most of the day as my son Aj was in Summer school half of the day. The day in itself was so much fun; we colored, we played outside, they rode on the Plasmacars. The day was eventful but fun and I think the kids enjoyed the day as there wasn’t any arguing for the most part and they had smiles on their faces all day!
The only problem with me babysitting is that I have been working from home since 2008, actually 2006 to be exact and well, even though I love what I do for work it doesn’t keep me on any form of schedule or routine like a 9-5 job would. Babysitting is apparently getting me back on schedule but my body is not impressed about it just yet.
I didn’t feel too tired all day long, waking up around 5am with my sons who think morning starts at that time, I poured coffee and got all showered prior to bringing Aj to school, normally I slack off and shower after I drop him to school. I was starting the day off extremely productive and energized when the three kids I babysat showed up and the day began full swing.
Then it was pick up time; A downpour happened as their mom was packing them up into the car; my three kids and myself were outside waving bye getting soaking wet when they were pulling out of the driveway we returned inside, wrapped up in towels and laid on my bed and one on my recliner wrapped in blankets atop the towel and all of a sudden I woke up to see it was nearly 6pm.
Yes, we crashed from around 4pm to 6pm last night without even realizing it. I guess our bodies were telling us this sleep was needed. The only problem was that my youngest has not taken a nap in nearly two years and on the rare occasion like this one that he passes out, he isn’t tired enough at his bedtime so I am usually up half of the night with him. So while it was great to get some much needed sleep I lost some by having to stay awake with the little K man til he was tired for bedtime.
And just to clarify this is not a post to complain about having six kids all day, it’s actually a fun time with these kids, they all get along so well and I am thankful that they seem to enjoy each others company!

At least all the kids actually slept the whole time you were sleeping. I would be terrified I’d wake up to find the kids had gone wild and there was cereal all over the kitchen floor, the toilet overflowing or something like that.
I think it’s great you can do that, and I’m sure it’s extra nice for your kids to have the others visiting.
Six kids all day IS a lot, though. I, too, have been babysitting this summer, but only on Tues & Weds and it’s only one 8 year old boy. The thing with him is that he has adhd and it feels like I have 3 extra kids on the days when he comes over. It’s totally exhausting and I’ve been going to bed around 8 pm on those nights – so I totally get why you guys crashed. You’re using up all that energy all day long and you have to come down at some point 🙂
I’d have crashed too! After losing my mind. I don’t think I could handle that many kids. You’re brave mama!