I am working with Swimways this Summer and it excites me because they really do work to reach out and help allow kids freedom to learn to swim safely. Using SwimWays products this year, my three year old son has already ventured to swim across the shallow end of the inground pool at my family farm.
One topic that is coming up lately is the topic of parents or caregivers leaving the kids to swim alone, in small or large amounts of water this is not a good idea. No matter the level of swimming ability your child has this is not a good idea. I firmly believe there should always be one trusted adult, or more, left to swim with or watch children playing in a pool or a kiddie pool.
The main place my kids and I go to swim is where my Dad lives, our family farm in Vermont. There is a big pool and always friendly company there for adults like me who sit home with kids far more often than adults. I love the atmosphere at the farm and visit quite frequently but more so in the Summer time when we can have BBQ’s and pool time. My daughter is 9 years old and is an okay swimmer, but she does not understand why I won’t allow her to randomly swim in this pool unless I am near the pool.
There is always adults around at the farm, but there is not always adults that are meant to be her babysitter at the pool. Most are there to mingle with the adults, usually my uncle or other relatives, and enjoy race nights and such. Miss Ki just assumes since there are adults near the pool that they will watch her or save her should the unthinkable happen, but no that is not the case. The responsible sets on my shoulders to watch her and her brothers in the pool, or my sister or father, not random visitors or other family members.
In all honesty I rarely ever ask my Dad to watch the kids in the pool for more than a couple of minutes so I can run to use the bathroom or grab something out of my car. All too often I watch as parents simply leave their children unattended in the pool, thinking that just because a bunch of adults are around the pool we will automatically watch these kids. The truth is, we will watch these kids but honestly I don’t’ want that random kid who I don’t know life in my hands… no thanks. I can barely swim my own self.
SO parents, I remind you today that every life is too precious to take a chance but a child’s life is just a precious and quickly lost in a pool or other swimming area without a sound. Please make sure you or a trusted sober adult is watching your kids at all times in the pool, do not let another child’s life be accidentally lost by an accident that could have been possibly prevented.
Hugs to all who have lost any child they love, whether a child of their own or another loved one, let’s work together to help spread swimming safety awareness!