My daughter and I were chit chatting the other night after our nightly read together and she was laughing her butt off at me because apparently I am a bit of a sound sleeper while other times I do odd things in response to her voice. This was our conversation….
We were talking about how I’ve been rather grumpy this past week, I blame it on the idea that I may have PMDD but that’s another story. So I basically told my daughter I would be climbing in bed earlier than normal to try to sleep off the grumpies I’ve been having. I told her if anything came up or she needed anything to just wake me up, I am Mom and there’s no reason for her to feel she can’t wake me up if she needs to. Although it’s now bedtime on a school night so the only reason to wake me would be a serious one, or better be a serious one.
Basically when Ki comes into my bedroom mid night after having a bad dream, the situation goes one of two ways;
Ki – Mama I had a bad dream. Wake up.
Me – *Sits up fast out of bed* What?! Are you okay? What as it about?
**I then lay back down and pass out before she can answer**
Second scenario:
Ki – Mama I had a bad dream can I lay with you?
Me – *half asleep, eyes not even open* Yeah sure sweetie.
**Ki climbs in bed. I wake up in a little bit to say …*
Me – Hey! What are you doing in my bed???
Ki – I had a bad dream Mama you told me I could lay with you.
**I lay back down and fall asleep**
Apparently some nights or most by the sound of things I am an extremely sound sleeper, at least once I fall asleep. Who would blame me? It’s so difficult to keep up with the energy of three kids, let alone a three year old who zooms faster than the Road Runner all day long?!
I started laughing so hard when Ki was mocking me, she literally was playing out the scene as if acting a part to give me the scenario all over again on how it plays out while I am half asleep because I don’t remember being like this. Sadly, she will be a teen before I know it and realize when Mom is half asleep in bed, that’s the time to sneak in and ask her important questions like, “Can I go out on a date Friday night?” then in the morning let me know I gave my answer.
My kids are too smart, I know one day they will figure out a sound sleeping Mama can make for some fun, creative ways to get the answers they want out of me. Oh boy, someone save me.

Make it a rule now that if you are not all the way awake when you give an answer it does not count as a real answer. My brother used to ask our mom stuff when she was asleep then do stuff he knew he wasn’t allowed to do. My kids still get me sometimes when I’m doing to many things.
That is a very good point. I did explain that when Ki and I were laughing about how out of it I am when she wakes me mid night. I let her know my answers in my half asleep moments don’t count so don’t get any ideas!
Too funny! My husband is like that too. He’ll have a complete conversation with me and then not remember a word of it in the morning…at least he says he doesn’t remember. 🙂