Yesterday was one rough day, full of having to entertain a bored 3 year old while I tended to things that needed to get done. Mainly I was stuck in a building that is not 3 year old friendly for most of the afternoon and then had to go drag my 5 year old down with me too after school. The boys were good for me, considering they were bored out of their minds and getting inpatient.
Finally I was able to hop into the car and head off to get home, but I wanted to stop at the grocery store first – we never made it to the grocery store. I pulled into a parking lot to give my Dad a call for I wanted to talk to him in that moment rather than later. I hung up and proceeded to leave the parking lot when my gas light came on….
I thought no big deal I am going to turn right and get down to the gas station – yeah if only I made it all of the way out of the parking lot. The car stalled, right alongside parallel parking vehicles. Do you realize that pedestrians are not very friendly these days? I do.
Here I am sitting in the middle of the freaking road, with my four ways on, unable to move my car with two little boys in my back seat and no one NOT EVEN ONE PERSON, stopped to ask if I was okay, if I needed help, etc. I can’t believe it. I got honked at, I got stared at and it really bothered me that people were so inconsiderate and acting as if I chose to sit my car in the middle of the road with four ways on for the fun of it while my two boys sat in the back seat. I mean, do people really think that is someone’s idea of fun? Come on. Seriously, have some compassion people for your neighbor folk!
I called the police station immediately and within about ten minutes, an officer arrived on scene to assist in pushing my car to a parking spot. I had to laugh. I mean seriously, what can ya do in life if you can’t laugh at your own self? So I thanked the police officer and pretty much pleaded for him to run to get me gas so I didn’t have to try to walk down to the store with my two rowdy boys, but that didn’t work.
I wonder if there’s a law against the police officers from helping with gas? Probably, because if not they would have to do it quite often. Just thankful he could help me get car off main road.
Next I told the boys we were going to hold hands and walk together down to the “slushy store”, as long as they were good and held my hand I would buy them a slushy before I filled a gas can. The boys were awesome, we got our gas and their slushies and walked back to the car.
Let me tell you what, when I finally made it home yesterday, all I wanted to do was lay my head down to sleep because that was one LONG, testing day. The good news is, we made it home safe & sound.
So thank you to the police officer that assisted in pushing my wagon off the road, I appreciate you. And for those who stared and beeped their horn at me, instead of asking if I needed help, thank you for not taking the time to help out a mom sitting in a car dead on the road with two little kids in the back, really that was ever so kind of you all.

It is great that you have a good sense of humor, because that was one stressful day. Sounds like you kept it together really well. Way to go!
Oh noooo! That happened to me once in the middle of the night and it was awful, can’t imagine that happening with two little kids! Good thinking on calling for help. I was with my fiance when it happened to me so he did the grunt work, haha!
Oh, that must have been awful. I’m so sorry. At least it all worked out though. I know we’ve been stranded on the side of the road when our car broke down before and it was horrible!! :/
What a bad day. We had a similar thing happen last year and I know how truly awful it is. Glad today is better and you made it home safety/sound.