Here comes the story about Kumba from Gambia and Rickard from Sweden. Two singles that found each other through the web site. Today we are happily married and share an apartment in Gambia for transitory living until Kumba has gotten her residence permit for Sweden.
About a year ago, that is late summer 2010, we two, Rickard and Kumba, signed up on the website. Kumba signed up as a response to a suggestion from the web site’s local representative in Gambia. She got some nice messages from men through the web site’s E-mail facility. This was a couple months earlier than Rickard, who came across the web site over the InterNet. When Rickard, who normally is skeptic to involve in private and cost demanding activities on the InterNet, found Kumba’s photo on the site he could nothing else than sign up and send her an instant message. Kumba was quite quick to reply. Rickard appeared to possibly be the right for her. This first contact between us two took place in October 2010.
In Africa just a few homes have InterNet access. Therefore, our following communication was not on a regular, but on a little bit of an unregular, basis. Over the months, however, we exchanged an extensive amount communication. We got to learn each other better, and we felt that we talked very much the same language. By January 2011 Rickard was prepared for making a Gambia travel reservation. Both of us feel that it is important to meet in person no matter how well one goes along over the InterNet. Thus, the male needs to be prepared for a quite extensive amount of activities as traveling and the like. This was what Rickard launched for in April 2011 when he came to Gambia to meet Kumba. On April 8 Rickard met Kumba for the first time by the assistance of the local representative. The meeting was very nicely arranged, and indeed Rickard by then fully understood and came to place value of the service that the web site offers.
The week Rickard stayed in Gambia we met every day, going out for such activities like tourist arranged sight seeings. The both of us really enjoyed being together with the other one. After Rickard returned home to Sweden we talked to each other every night. During one of these nightly phone conversations we decided to engage. Rickard happens to be a university lecturer, and he therefore has the opportunity to reschedule his working hours. Thus, already by the end of May Rickard was back in Gambia for another week of stay. This is when we engaged.
By now we have spent two weeks day time together, and we were so touched to each other that there was a quite easy decision for us that we should marry as soon as possible. July 2011 became the month of our marriages. Indeed, the traditional Gambian one took place on July 8 and the legal one on July 20.
During this third Gambia stay of Rickard, this time lasting for three weeks, Kumba also send in her application for residency in Sweden. It will take an estimated six-eight months before Kumba’s permit is granted and issued by the Swedish migration authority. Meanwhile we live together in a joint apartment in Banjul, that is the capital of Gambia. In addition to all other activities during Rickard’s three week Gambia stay in July, we also start renting a partly furnished apartment for transitory living.
Our situation for the last six months is that we are a happily married couple living together, let it be that Rickard can be in Gambia less frequent now as his possibilities to reschedule his classes has come to an end. He has be here in September, October and December, however. The rest of the time he needs to be in Sweden teaching at his university. Our love links us tight, nevertheless, and one day we will be living together as an ordinary family in Sweden on a permit basis. This is something we really look forward to. Currently, we are expecting the Swedish migration authorizes to grant Kumba her Resident Permit. Thus, we are hoping for Rickard’s next visit in Gambia to be the one that we two go home to Sweden together.
From Kumba: Through the web site I have found my great and lovely husband. I wish you all girls the very same luck.
From Rickard: Finding one’s soul mate over the InterNet can be a challenging task. During the last past year I have devoted extensive time and resources for Kumba. There were days when I was in doubt, but I persisted. Today we know that the outcome was me marrying the woman I really love. Everyone can see how fantastic she is.
Kumba from Gambia and Rickard from Sweden