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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

9 thoughts on “What’s The Big Deal; SAHM, WAHM, Work Outside of Home Mom”

  1. Well said!
    Every decision we make involves sacrifice of one type or another, and as women we of all people should realize that. We need to band together, not get into the cat-fight of criticizing others who are different. Criticism is easy…and small. It takes a big person to realize that not everyone needs to be like me to be right or good.

  2. As a man, I can say this happens to men but I also fulfill the “mom” role, have a bit of a role reversal happening where my wife is too busy with work/school/blog. Having another child, and one that won’t sleep and is demanding has made me see things way different. This has been those most exhausting, depressing, thankless job I’ve ever had. I’m also running two businesses from home which has been pretty easy to do honestly but unfortunately I don’t feel my worth is in being the mom around here so my wife can get her work done and sleep (mom to me is being that 24/7 night nurse/running to see what the “patient” needs at all times, making sure they get their meals & medicines, are entertained, teaching, and having fun time). I admittedly feel trapped sometimes and have been looking at job postings a lot just dreaming about the old days of going to work and zoning out and getting paid much better, but I think supporting my wife in what she does right now and taking care of the kids for her is more important and were making good money it’s just not as much s we are used to. Part of the reason we are doing things this way are me being partially disabled so I can’t just go back to my old job, but I have learned how hard it is when your spouse is gone all the time and I was gone weeks at a time and she really didn’t like being left alone like an army wife all the time.

  3. I agree with you completely! Although, those who judges often times need to take a closer look in the mirror!

  4. Whether you’re a WAHM or a SAHM doesn’t instantly make you a lousy or a good parent. Working has very little relevance to that. I’m sure there are oodles of both kinds doing both!

  5. I didn’t know that this was so controversial. Give me a break! Who cares if someone chooses to stay home with their kids or work outside the home.

  6. I think people just like stereotyping, maybe it makes them feel better about themselves or something. It does seem that people look down on SAHM as lazy women that do nothing all day long except cook, clean, and walk around in pajamas all day (although I do like doing the last one).

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