The day has arrived, Mister Aj knows how to write his name and this means he is old enough to get a town library card. To receive a town library card is really exciting for my five year old son, because he has watched as his sister has used hers through out the years. You see, Miss Ki has had her library card since age five and she’s now nine years old. Due to parking restrictions at the school, meaning parking spots completely full, I had to park at the town library one day then walk up to pick the kids up from school. I realized two things this particular day 1) I miss walking to get the kids from school and 2) I could use getting a library card as a reason for a fun walk {Aj hates walking}.
After walking to the school and getting Mister Aj we walked back to the town library where we dropped off his school backpack and headed into the library to say hello to the children’s librarian {our long time friend & my old babysitter from when I was a kid} and then proceeded to find out if Aj could indeed get his town library card finally. The person at the desk stated Aj needs to write his first and last name, I was bummed. I knew Aj was aware of letters but never has he written his last name down, so I took a piece of scrap paper and had Aj write his first name, then I proceeded to tell him the letters of his last name; then it happened – my son wrote his first and last name for the first time together perfectly!
Aj was soooo excited and proud of himself, we did the paperwork and he received his official town library card. By this time my three year old was done and so ready to go home but you can’t get your first library card and not check out a book or two. The boys and I headed over the children’s library area and I let Aj search for the perfect book and he picked two; one from a local writer in town and another called I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato. More to come about that tomato book soon.
This was a proud moment but yet another moment that reminds me my children are growing up way too fast.