These past couple of weeks have been challenging. First we had Thanksgiving dinner at my Grams, which ROCKED. I love FOOD. Next AJ had his tonsil and adenoids removed … this is something that I wish I had a good memory for. You see my daughter reminded me that she was out of school for two weeks when she had her tonsils and adenoids removed but I don’t remember. Me= bad memory ….
The boy went through the surgery part just fine, argued over the reality that they had even done surgery. AJ had to go under anesthesia for like the third time in his life and of course left him with no recollection of what had happened to me in the hospital. AJ was able to have ice cream and Popsicle’s but they were a bad mix with his Tylenol with codeine and often was nauseous every morning. At one point he flat out refused the tylenol and in turn became so much in pain and couldn’t eat that I had to explain that the medicine was helping alleviate the pain so he could eat. Which meant he finally took his meds again. After missing about 7 days of school and having a total of 9 days for recovery AJ was eating real foods, off of meds for 24 hours and ready to get back to his classroom.
All went okay …. so far so good, but now AJ’s anxiety is starting up again. AJ was finally doing amazing at school, his anxiety had started to disappear and now since he had been home for 7 days out of school, well the anxiety is back. I am working on this in every way his counselor has advised in the past but it’s so hard on my heart. I just want to hold me tight and let him cry. It’s not easy watching your five year old suffer from anxiety and just reassure him it’s okay that this is normal to go to school all day and he will see me after school when in all reality you want to scoop him up and keep him in a bubble safe from anxiety and the nerves that come with anxiety.
I keep encouraging AJ with fun things to look forward to after school; such as a game of Monopoly with me or a slushie at the store. Simple things really, but things that are special to him so he knows if he does great at getting to school and trying to overcome this fear and anxiety of being away from me that he will get to have extra special time when he comes home. It’s a win win!
Last but not least my daughter is working on this book club she wants to do but I have been so out of my mind with everything else going on, such as me now being gosh about 5 or 6 days sick, it’s been hard to set up the actual plan and get on the phone with parents of other children to get this book club all set up. Hoping over the holiday break I can work on getting more organized with that, even though my daughter is completely organized with it – it still needs some parental touches and parents talking about this book club before it happens.
Baby K is just being himself. Happy. Hyper. Sarcastic. OH and he’s been peeing in his pants so it’s pull up all day time again.
The joys of parenting ……..I wouldn’t trade this for the world!

So glad AJ is feeling better. My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed when she was 6. It was not pleasant!
I hope your Baby K won’t ever have to go through it, but a hint just in case: The thing that did wonders for my daughter was using the humidifier in her room at night. (The doc didn’t tell us to do this…a mom we know did!). It was night and day between when we used it and when we didn’t. She really healed pretty quickly, and was eating all ‘normal’ food within a week.
I love all of the fun pictures to go with your post! I also wish I had the idea to do a book club when I was younger. I loved to read but would have loved discussing the books with kids my own age!