Every year I put the same candy canes on the Christmas tree, it was something I remember as a kid doing and well it is sort of something I decided to start doing. Since one year Ki and I put a whole box of like 12 count big candy canes on the tree and I knew she wasn’t going to be eating them all, we stuck them in the Christmas tote and have pulled them out year after year to decorate the tree.
Ever since the boys were born I debate whether or not I will put the old candy canes on the Christmas tree, because after all it is a tease to see candy canes, but not be able to eat them. I believe I skipped the candy canes last year for fear Baby K would try to chew em up, and they are extremely old. This year I debated and the kids voted that we put them on and K agreed that he wouldn’t try to eat them.
I was upstairs and K ran downstairs yesterday, thinking he was being all sneaky. I knew he was up to 1 of 2 things….. 1) Trying to plug in Christmas lights or 2) Attempting to sneak a candy cane. I was correct on both accounts, I was downstairs shortly behind him because I know better than to leave this child unattended and he was attempting to visit the outlet with the plug for lights, no he wasn’t trying to plug it in .. yet. I knew better and was downstairs close enough behind him so that all he could do was grab the plug on the tree. Once he saw me and I said “NO” loud and explained why he can’t touch electrical plugs, he ran for a candy cane, grabbed it and booked it across the way to his bedroom.
Lucky for him this Mama is quick, yes even sick I am slightly quick, and I ran to him and managed to save the candy cane and K’s stomach from having eaten an extremely old candy cane. Do they really make you sick I wonder? Not willing to find out, that boy is miserable when sick. So I saved the child from his curiosity with electricity and I saved the candy cane for the tree. One would think this is a great ending to the story, right?
No. There sat K on the floor with a big, huge POUT.

it was probably stale but there’s no moisture in them so probably no threat of mold LOL
I guess you’ll have to put a nice fresh one in his stocking!