Remember when we all had dial up and very few had anything above that because it either was available in the area or it was too damn expensive for someone, like myself, to afford? Well the other day I was trying to cancel an account and yet the company blocked me every possible way you could think of but via emails. It was so annoying to have to go back in email CANCEL MY ACCOUNT just to have them email me back a few days later with WHY DO YOU WANT TO CANCEL? I mean I explained in my first reply that this is simply me working on some budget cuts in preparation of 2012. When I first had chosen to cancel, it wasn’t due to their service but honestly after these emails I have to say it’s due to their ignorance of listening to my words CANCEL MY ACCOUNT.
You see this situation created a memory that came to life in my head, it involved an old Dial Up Internet service provider company and myself trying to cancel their service before their “paid” period began. I was good at taking part of these 30 day trials for Dial Up then canceling, see I was a single mom back then and needed to cut costs wherever I could, this was one cost I was able to keep extremely low or free for a long period of time.
The problem was when I had to get on the phone with this company, they would do everything in their power to talk in circles and try to get you to, unwittingly, agree to a paid plan yet think you are getting something for free. If they were not able to talk you into an extremely low rate they would offer to extend your trial period, which of course I almost always agreed to until finally they just wouldn’t take CANCEL MY ACCOUNT as an answer when I switched to a completely different company that I loved so much more.
I seriously spent many hours and many days calling this company and my bank to remove all charges they put on my account. I had to do this through phone not email so it was faster but still time consuming. I spent so many endless hours on hold and talking to various reps that I really learned my lesson of trying something for free. There really is no such thing as FREE service because in the end you pay for it one way or another; whether through time or aggravation.

I so understand what you mean! I once had to close & reopen my checking acct because of one of those “free” internet providers! I called and cancelled the service several times, but they continued to pull money from my acct month after month! They tried telling me that I never called to cancel, when in actuality, I had cancelled the trial almost immediately, as I didn’t like anything about their service. It was super frustrating, but I learned to always ask for (and keep track of!) a comfirmation number.
I don’t know why they have to delve into the why’s for everything. Just accept the word cancel and move on!