A local high school principal has been arrested with allegations of simple assault. A 16 year old had a meeting with two teachers and the high school principal when allegations arose that this principal hit her on the back two or three times and the last time resulted in the student have her head hit the coffee cup on a table in front of her. Although I don’t know all of the facts of this case nor do I know if the student was a girl or a boy, I do know that it seems more and more negative news is being released in the media of bad teachers, mean teachers and plain out right horrible teachers. What happened to featuring the honorable teachers, principals and students? What happened to focusing on the positive? Oh wait, media rarely covers the positive news stories unless it is exceptionally “news worthy”, whatever that means.
To me I think local news stations should feature an exception teacher or adult in a school each month. The children in all schools can nominate a teacher, principal, teachers helper, etc for this fabulous award. The award can be given with a small one on one interview between a student who nominated this adult and the adult. The adult who won the award will receive a cute paper certificate as one would give a student for honor roll achievements or similar. Although to some a paper certificate may not sound like a lot to give to an exceptional teacher, but it’s the thought that counts and if this is done monthly then companies would surely see this and eventually the adult may end up with donations to their classroom or school to assist in promoting positive teaching skills. Teachers who still live by the rules that seem to have become old school are rarely shown in the media light and those are who should be focused on. The teachers that spent extra funds to make sure their students have a fun learning experience, the teacher that pays for a pizza party out of her own pocket for her students achieving a specific goal, or something like this.
I remember having teachers at every level of my school years who would go up and beyond what they normally would need to do. I was friends with some of the teachers helpers and recall one Miss Holly Johnson who I would go to after school some days to make friendship bracelets with one of my friends. I was pen-pals with many of my teachers from 3rd up to 5th grade, but I rarely hear of students and teachers keeping in touch during the summer months and as the children continue on in years of schooling. I am now thirty years old and although some of the teachers I had still teach at the same schools, I don’t write to them any longer because at some point they just stopped writing back to me or I stopped writing them. Life moves too fast and we let go and move forward, but I do hope those teachers realize I have become an amazing adult because they took the time to be real teachers, they truly cared about their students and taught in a way I can only hope my children get every year in school.
So even though a local high school principal has allegations or simple assault on a student, I say let’s leave the judging up to the judge when this man goes to stand in court to face his charges. Instead of focusing on the negative allegations of one possibly mean principal, let’s focus on those teachers and principals who go up and beyond that which is expected of them and give them a home made certificate to show them we appreciate all that they do!

It disappoints me there aren’t more “human interest” stories in the news. I think teachers are underpaid and underappreciated. I couldn’t do their job, no way.
I try not to watch the news, because it is usually depressing. They do have a Good Day Sacramento show each morning that does feature the good things. Other than that, I usually turn the news off.