Some people will spend their days getting sad, maybe even depressed, about challenges that have been placed on their plate in life. Since the economy has hit many in negative ways; such as job loss, lay offs, clients not being able to continue contracts and so forth, it means many families are being thrown into a situation that is a different living style than what they were accustomed to.
Personally, I always live within my means. I don’t own any flat panel televisions I don’t own any high end electronics, I run old school customized computers built cheap with parts ordered from NewEgg and just about everything I have I received for free or dirt cheap. This is why when stress comes along it usually isn’t affecting anything except my every day bill situation or my mood.
One day a couple of weeks ago a lot of changes happened and I was hit pretty hard with having to adjust my work schedule, adjust my routine and well my mind wasn’t quite ready. I found I was starting to sink into a state of depression I may not be able to come back out of and so after crashing so hard two times that no one could wake me out of, I decided it was time for a change. Time to pull myself out of this sad state of mind and get back on the happy hat I was born to live with.
I took two days of quiet – staring up at the stars in the sky, staring at the white clouds – just trying to find a way to get that inner peace and happy hat back on. Do you realize in just two days of utter silence, except when I had to talk to my children, actually helped my attitude change? I became more happy, I had more positive thoughts. I didn’t worry any longer and a ton of opportunities hit my inbox.
Through taking the time to let myself be upset, sad, lost, confused for a short period of time and then finding that inner strength to move into a better state of mind through silence I was able to turn my life around within just three weeks. This is what makes me firmly believe in the power of a thought! You too can be strong, you too can defeat the inner sadness that may be looming over you due to changes in life situations or income. You can be strong! I believe in you!

I agree it is very important to take time to be upset and allow yourself to feel sad, but then quickly pull yourself out of it. Great post hon!!! Glad you were able to feel better!!
RT @brandyellen: A Simple Change in Attitude Can Change Everything