A woman who jokes about turning 30 every year and then a woman who seriously refuses to let anyone know her real age. What is wrong with these scenarios? Probably nothing really but I just don’t understand them is all. Of course joking about being 30 again, I get it, I laugh whenever my Mom tries to tell me she is younger than what I calculated her out to be. My Grandmother probably feels great because every year I swear she is 65 again and my father? Well he just shakes his head when he realizes what me turning 30 on Friday means — he’s getting older!
I have no problems telling people that I am turning 30 on Friday, but I am sort of sick of hearing “wow you look 26” or “oh my gosh you really don’t look that old”, because is 30 really that old? I am blessed with a family of woman who appear to age pretty well, heck even my great grandmother still has her good looks going on and she is I think nearing 90 or is 90ish { I am horrible at calculating my Gram and Great Gram’s ages}.
I don’t feel that 30 is an old age at all, turning 30 simply means you are old enough to know better but still young enough to do it anyways. I love that I will be 30 because it’s giving me an excuse to act like a spoiled, selfish person and get some me time. Yes, it is true I feel selfish in some ways taking one night to myself but then I sit back and see how broken down I am with my kids and work and it seems taking ME time may save some of the household’s sanity, including my own.
I am with my sons 24/7 and they wear on me, but to walk into a store or log onto Facebook and have someone tell me I carry myself well or I don’t look 30 is great to hear on those days. I just don’t need to hear it on the good days when I am at my best, it’s a great boost for those down days & I thank those who have said it and truly mean it – I BIG RED HEART you.
I suppose … I am off to share with the world the fact that I am turning 30 and finding a great place to stay Saturday night … I will find the perfect “me time” local hotel or inn.
Do you have any places you like to spend me time? Also – do you share your age out right with anyone or do you hide your exact age?
I will tell people if they ask, but I’m not a fan of sharing it. I hate being the oldest blogger in the bunch, so I love when there are older ones there. 🙂 You look fabulous, my dear!
Happy b-day !
I’m 40+ and have recently stopped dying my hair – soooo many people have something to say about it !
New blog Post: What Is with Hiding Age? http://t.co/1PSjIJo2