Let me tell you what, after my two sons were born I was quick to become a bit inconsistent in my parenting ways. My middle child and first born son was a bit of a challenge and he wiped me right out. I hung onto the excuse that he has more needs and has some issues instead of actually fighting to stick to the fact that I am Mom. I made excuses for some behavior, but in all honesty some of the behavior was learned through me not being consistent while others still are true issues he may have. After my second son, third born child, came into the picture I slacked even more. I breastfed and I was just too busy with everything to stop and work on my “Mama Means Business” card. That card was never really pulled out and to be honest I don’t think I have pulled it out for my daughter in many years either, and boy did these kids realize this fact! Funny how kids pick up on the things we don’t see right away!
After a few months now of seeing a counselor on how to work with Aj, my first born son & middle child, my eyes have been opened to some interesting facts about how I parent the boys. You see, I never did any of the things I have done since my sons were born with my first born and only daughter. Of course, how can one compare being a single mom to one and then add two then try to compare? I mean you can not compare raising one child with raising three children; I doubt if anyone would be the same all around with multiple children as they would be with one child.
My sons have given me a hard time sleeping for many years. Aj has always had issues staying asleep all night and he is almost five years old so after five years of around 2-3 hours of sleep at a time my energy level has gone down most times. My other son is almost three years old and he decided around age two to test the boundaries of what bedtime meant. You see, both boys succeeded in breaking me until I gave in and both boys were sleeping with me.
I finally decided I didn’t want my sons co-sleeping with me, they needed to be in their bedroom and not mine. I need them to get out of my bed and I needed them to sleep through the night. My sons have been playing off of each other ever since I made that decision. It was 1am before my middle child was asleep and some nights later than that. Of course he ended up in my bed, so eventually the boys have learned if they push and are strong willed enough “Mama will give in and I will get to sleep in Mama’s bed”.
Yes that is one of the looks I have received ever since I starting playing the “Mama needs business” card! I have to giggle that boy has some looks on him!
Well after three days of putting my darn foot down and being consistent on the fact that these boys are going to sleep in their own bed I can say that MY SONS ARE SLEEPING IN THEIR OWN BEDS!!!!
I still have moments with Mister Aj (the one giving the look above) but the counselor has told me to put my mind in the same mindset I did with Baby K and he will eventually realize that I mean this and he will learn to stay in his bed.
I feel proud! I feel great! I am MOM … again!
Related articles
- Dealing with Parenting Multiple Children (happilyblended.com)
- Do You Know Why Mama is Rich? (happilyblended.com)

That’s a great achievement Brandy.. well done!!.. I’m sure that night time rountine would get smoother from now onwards.
CONGRATS!!! I agree that is a great accomplishment!!
The best advice I was EVER given was just two words
FOLLOW THRO … looking at my little bundle of joy, i couldn’t imagine a day where i would need 1,2,3 magic – but it came.
The best advice i ever give now, is if you threaten it, you yell it, you tell them you will do something … then do it …
the hell with the dirty looks
(and hide that smile so they don’t see your amusement at those glowering looks either!)
New blog Post: I Played the “Mama Means Business” Card and Won http://ow.ly/1e2YWT
I so understand what you’re saying. My kids are teens now but the same premise still holds true, maybe more than ever. And any time I find myself getting frustrated or getting mad that they aren’t doing what I said all I have to do is think back a few days to see if I’ve been enforcing my decisions or if I’ve been letting things slide. It only takes a day or two of enforcing the boundaries for things to get back to the way I want them.
Great job and stay strong!
[…] I Played the “Mama Means Business” Card and Won (happilyblended.com) […]