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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

8 thoughts on “New Hairstyle Leads to Kids Being Mean #bullying or not?”

  1. I guess there’s a difference between kids being mean and actually bullying, but as a mom I don’t think my heart would feel a difference. I think the best thing to do is just teach her that it’s ok to like what she likes. Give her enough self-confidence and she won’t care what they think anyway. In fact, if she doesn’t let them phase her, they might just start wearing their hair that way. 🙂

    1. You are right…. I do feel pain for my child when she is picked on like this, but at the same time I know if she doesn’t get taught by her parents to handle these type of hard situations that are not hitting the true “too much bullying” line then as an adult it will be hard for her to deal with real life. Even as adults we get laughed at and picked on but having the skills to stand up and stick up for yourself in those times and be confident in who you are will certainly pay off. I hope that is what I will be teaching my kids to be; confident in who they are!

  2. I’ve been different my whole life. And you know what, my mom has always helped me get over the fact that kids where mean to me because of it. I love that you are just letting your daughter be herself. And that you are showing her that she doesn’t have to be like everyone else. She’s unique and one of a kind!

    BTW- that hairstyle is totally cute! 😉

    1. Thanks Miss RJ! I believe in allowing children to figure out who they are with guidance and support from their parents, of course I make mistakes who doesn’t? But I hope to get it good enough so the kids are well rounded and great adults!

  3. I think Ki’s hair looks adorable. And what matters most is that she likes it too. Before people said anything and especially after. I agree with you – this wasn’t Ki being bullied but kids just being mean.

  4. Kids can be mean spirited at times. I’m learning that raising my two boys. They come home on various occassion saying someone said this or this for the matter. Nothing majorly big but kids just being kids. I try to comfort them and tell them to brush it off because at the time the kids probaly had nothing better to do.

    There’s nothing wrong with her hairstyle. Those are just kids TRYING to find some fault within her because she is so FAB! Keep the hairstyle if she likes it. In fact maybe they want it too!

  5. Bullying is awful and so hard to handle. T even had to deal with some this year and she’s almost 14. Sad thing is, it never fully goes away and no matter how old you are you can always find a bully in the crowd. Tell Ki I said keep her chin up! 😉

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