My daughter received a journal a while back that lists out questions in a way, basically, it asks what you did, what was your favorite part, what was your least favorite part of the day, what you learned and what you hope about that day or something like that.
I have always tried to encourage my daughter to write in a journal because at least for me, it helps me get thoughts out and opens doors to communication like no other method has worked for me. I get to analyze myself, share myself with others and learn from what I write and others comment.
My daughter came to me over the weekend and handed me her journal. I was told to read it on a commercial (I was watching a Lifetime movie & was addicted to it). When the next commercial came I opened the book and read what my daughter had written.
This happened to be Saturday and we went to a baby shower together. My daughter and I didn’t go alone, because we did pick up my sister and her boyfriend but we were alone in that I didn’t have her little brothers with us. My daughter was able to have a Mommy day and she loved it so much that in her journal one thing she hoped for and loved best was having alone time with Mama and hopes to get more of it!
The next day my daughter wrote in her journal and shared it with me again. So many positive thoughts, even the least favorite part of her days were semi-positive. I was so proud of her for writing about her day, her feelings and I was honored that she shared these notes with me. Of course, I quickly hugged her and said “this is great, you are such a positive girl. I thank you for sharing your journal with me” and she smiled a big smile!
I have to cherish these moments because I fear once my daughter starts into the teen years, about 4 years away, that she may not be so open to sharing a journal with me. I would like to think on a positive note though, that maybe since we are starting this journey of sharing thoughts now that it may continue into her teen years making it easier to open up communication about what is on her mind and also allowing me to know what is going on in her life.
Do your children write a journal? Do they share it openly with you? or did they when they were growing up?
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That’s awesome about her sharing with you!
My 14 year old usually comes to me and shares what is going on in her life. It’s my younger daughter that I have the troubles with. I try very hard to keep the lines of communication open and let them know that I will not judge them.
My daughter isn’t old enough to have a journal but I think it’s really special your daughter shared hers with you! That had to warm your heart to hear how much she values your time together and that she’s such a happy, positive child!