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NH Mama loving life. Co-Author (w/ my daughter) of Positive Girl - The Power of Your Thoughts. Fueled by coffee, great convos & optimistic thoughts! Brandy Ellen, Virtual Assistant is a work-from-home entrepreneur. Question about this post or something found within it? Read my Disclosure Policy as well as Terms of Use.

8 thoughts on “Tot Mom Trial: Casey & Caylee Anthony”

  1. I am also not completely sure what to think about it, but I do believe that Casey did have some part in the death of Caylee whether it be accidental or intentional.

    1. I am so torn … to me she is a liar…. but then a liar and the crazy person she is doesn’t necessarily make her a killer… IDK about believing all that has been said about her Dad. This girl sounds like she has been so spoiled too and she has simply lied one too many times to have any trust. if she is innocent then I feel bad because she has made he nest of lies make her credibility go down.

  2. Casey has been caught in so many lies. I can only believe that she was responsible for that beautiful little girl’s death.

    1. Yeah she has been caught in so many lies, that is true. So hard to believe anything she says.

  3. I think she is a cold hearted person. I don’t know how any parent could continue day to day life after killing their child, accidentally or not. I had a good friend who had a baby at 16 and got married to the father. One day while she was at work he was giving the baby a bath and left the room to answer the phone. Their daughter died in the bathtub in a matter of seconds and despite his paramedic training he couldn’t revive her. He was never the same after that.

    1. OMG, that is sooo sad 🙁 As for this case, isn’t this that women who did not know where her daughter was, and the trunk of her car had human dead scents in it or something like that??? I have not followed this case, but it is sooooo sad. I could NEVER go on living if something happened to one of my babies 🙁

      1. Yeah that is the exact case!! She had gone off partying and living it up…. IDK the case is so heart breaking and frustrating because there is only circumstantial evidence….

    2. I wouldn’t be the same either… I can detach myself emotionally from situations but never one like this. Accident or not, missing or dead, if this happened to one of my children regardless of fault I would be completely zoned out and have a hard time even taking care of the other two children.. it was simply put be devastating.

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